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Storage Capacity

por Kelly Fiorini
Storage capacity is the maximum amount of data a device or system can store. Learn how to measure storage capacity and the related best practices.

What is storage capacity?

Storage capacity is the amount of data a computer system or device can store. It’s typically measured in a unit called bytes. 

When purchasing a computer or storage device, such as a hard drive or laptop, shoppers check to make sure its storage capacity meets their needs. Storage capacity requirements vary; individuals may require less storage for personal documents and a limited number of media files, but organizations may need enterprise-level solutions for their databases and applications.

If they need to store unstructured data or metadata, companies turn to object storage solutions. Offered by cloud service providers, these platforms let companies safely store and retrieve large amounts of information.

Storage capacity units

Vendors measure storage capacity in bytes, a unit of digital information. Understanding the hierarchical system of bytes helps companies select the correct amount of storage.

  • A byte (B) is the building block of the hierarchy, comprising eight bits. A byte is enough to store a single letter, number, or character.
  • A kilobyte (KB) is the equivalent of 1,024 bytes and represents small amounts of data. A very short, text-only email is typically around a KB of data.
  • A megabyte (MB) equals 1,024 KBs or roughly one million bytes. Larger files, like images, video clips, or audio files, are often measured in MBs.
  • Gigabyte (GB) is 1,024 MBs or one billion bytes, a significant amount of data. Colloquially called a “gig,” a GB is a common unit of measurement for storage devices like hard drives or memory cards. The typical computer user who stores files, images, and videos, but doesn’t game, might opt for 500 GB of hard disk space.
  • A Terabyte (TB) consists of 1,024 GBs or one trillion bytes. While consumer hard drives are available in a one-terabyte size, this unit typically measures the storage capacity of enterprise-level storage systems or data centers. 
  • A petabyte (PB) is an immense amount of data, equal to 1,024 TBs or one quadrillion bytes. Rarely used for individual storage devices, petabytes depict the total storage capacity of large networks or server farms.

How to describe storage capacity

When managing their data storage, organizations have to pay close attention to the way manufacturers describe it. Companies typically refer to storage capacity in three ways.

  • Raw capacity is the total storage capacity of a system or device, or the maximum amount of data that the device can hold. Raw capacity doesn’t account for disk space reserved for formatting, system overhead, or data protection mechanisms.
  • Usable capacity, also referred to as net capacity, is what remains after accounting for system files and formatting requirements that take up space on the device. Usable capacity is typically lower than raw capacity, but it provides a clearer picture of the amount of data a system or device holds.
  • Effective capacity is the amount of storage space available after accounting for data reduction. Since effective capacity is based on assumptions of the data’s ability to reduce or compress, it should be considered an estimate.

Best practices for storage capacity management

Companies have to examine their current storage capacity and forecast their future needs to purchase best-fit equipment when updating or upgrading their IT systems. Some best practices for planning storage capacity include:

  • Conducting a needs assessment. Companies should evaluate their current data storage requirements, the type of data being stored, how that data is accessed, and the remaining usable storage on their systems and devices. They should then consider their growth rate and anticipate potential changes in their data needs over time.
  • Prioritizing scalability. To accommodate future growth, scalable, flexible storage solutions are the best choice. Companies should look for the ability to scale vertically by increasing the capacity and power of the existing system and horizontally by increasing the number of machines or servers. 
  • Considering cloud storage. One affordable option to consider when scaling is adding cloud storage, a data storage mode whereby off-site servers save data securely. Users can access information anywhere with an internet connection.
  • Evaluating vendors carefully. Researching vendor options by checking reviews and ratings is a must. Storage capacity is just one factor to consider; companies also need to think about the reliability and level of support the vendor offers. 
  • Setting volume quotas. One way to keep users from filling up company storage is by setting quotas. When an individual or group reaches their maximum volume of disk space, the system administrator can receive a notification or automatically issue an “out of space” alert to the user.

Want to learn more about file sizes? Check out this article.

Kelly Fiorini

Kelly Fiorini

Kelly Fiorini is a freelance writer for G2. After ten years as a teacher, Kelly now creates content for mostly B2B SaaS clients. In her free time, she’s usually reading, spilling coffee, walking her dogs, and trying to keep her plants alive. Kelly received her Bachelor of Arts in English from the University of Notre Dame and her Master of Arts in Teaching from the University of Louisville.

Software de Storage Capacity

Esta lista mostra os principais softwares que mencionam storage capacity mais no G2.

Dropbox permite que você salve e acesse todos os seus arquivos e fotos em um só lugar organizado e compartilhe com qualquer pessoa. Quer você administre um negócio solo ou lidere uma equipe grande e complexa, o Dropbox ajuda seu trabalho a fluir melhor.

O Google Workspace permite que equipes de todos os tamanhos se conectem, criem e colaborem. Inclui ferramentas de produtividade e colaboração para todas as formas de trabalho: Gmail para e-mail comercial personalizado, Drive para armazenamento em nuvem, Docs para processamento de texto, Meet para conferências de vídeo e voz, Chat para mensagens em equipe, Slides para criação de apresentações, Calendários compartilhados e muitos mais.

Com o Microsoft OneDrive, você pode armazenar qualquer arquivo no seu SkyDrive e ele estará automaticamente disponível no seu telefone e computadores. Nenhuma sincronização ou cabos necessários.

Box permite que você armazene todo o seu conteúdo online, para que possa acessá-lo, gerenciá-lo e compartilhá-lo de qualquer lugar. Integre o Box com o Google Apps e o Salesforce e acesse o Box em dispositivos móveis.

Papel é uma ferramenta de processamento de texto leve e baseada na web da Dropbox.

Slack reúne toda a sua comunicação em um só lugar. É uma plataforma de mensagens em tempo real, arquivamento e busca para equipes modernas.

MySQL é uma solução de banco de dados de código aberto.

pCloud é uma solução de armazenamento baseada na nuvem que mantém fotos, vídeos, documentos, músicas e todos os tipos de outros arquivos na nuvem e os acessa em qualquer dispositivo a qualquer momento.

Com o SharePoint, você pode gerenciar versões, aplicar cronogramas de retenção, declarar registros e aplicar retenções legais, seja lidando com conteúdo tradicional ou conteúdo da Web.

Egnyte oferece a única plataforma de conteúdo moderna que é construída especificamente para empresas. Egnyte proporciona ao TI controle centralizado e proteção sobre seus arquivos, e aos usuários acesso rápido ao seu conteúdo, independentemente de como ou onde o trabalho acontece.

Uma única conta para fazer backup e sincronizar dados de vários computadores e dispositivos móveis

Todas as suas fotos. Sempre com você e perfeitamente capturadas.

Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) é armazenamento para a Internet. Uma interface de serviços web simples usada para armazenar e recuperar qualquer quantidade de dados, a qualquer momento, de qualquer lugar na web.

ShareFile oferece arquivos seguros, sincronização e compartilhamento para o seu pequeno ou médio negócio.

Reimagine como suas equipes trabalham com o Zoom Workplace, alimentado pelo AI Companion. Simplifique as comunicações, melhore a produtividade, otimize o tempo presencial e aumente o engajamento dos funcionários, tudo com o Zoom Workplace. Impulsionado pelo AI Companion, incluído sem custo adicional.

Microsoft Access é o software de banco de dados que fornece modelos para ajudar você a começar e novos bancos de dados web adicionados que facilitam o rastreamento, relatório e compartilhamento de dados com outros.

Lembre-se de tudo. Capture tudo. Acesse em qualquer lugar. Encontre as coisas rapidamente.