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Search Engine Optimization

por Alyssa Towns
Search engine optimization (SEO) helps businesses boost site rankings in organic search results. Learn the best practices and different types for success.

What is search engine optimization?

Search engine optimization (SEO) is the practice of improving a website’s configuration and content to drive better traffic through organic search results. Companies that use SEO efficiently create easy-to-find, relevant, high-ranking websites.

Companies utilize SEO software to gain insights into their website and competitor data to help produce higher rankings. These tools offer SEO audits, keyword research, content optimization, rank tracking, or a combination of these features and functionality.

Types of SEO

Each type of SEO has its goals and intentions. Below are some of the most common SEOs, along with their purposes.

  • On-page SEO is optimizing individual web pages to boost search rankings and traffic. Users can take various actions on a webpage to persuade and convince search engines to display the page in response to a search query. Examples of on-page efforts include optimizing the title tag, meta description, headers, links, and URL. 
  • Off-page SEO concerns actions taken outside the website to boost search engine rankings. Website owners use this type of SEO to showcase their trustworthiness and authority. An example of off-page SEO includes backlinks.
  • White hat SEO is related to the ethical practices search engines encourage. Most notably, white hat SEO refers to methods approved by search engines such as Google. 
  • Black hat SEO: Black hat SEO refers to using approaches and techniques that violate search engine guidelines. These unethical tactics may encourage finding loopholes and taking advantage of algorithms. 
  • Gray hat SEO combines practices from white hat SEO and black hat SEO. As part of a holistic strategy, website owners may incorporate ethical and unethical methods to boost rankings. For example, a business may effectively optimize on-page SEO with solid title tags and meta descriptions but also prioritize keyword-stuffed content over quality content. 
  • Technical SEO includes optimizing technical components of websites to help search engines find, crawl, and index the site’s pages accordingly. Technical SEO involves behind-the-scenes, technical actions rather than visible, on-page methods. 

Benefits of search engine optimization

SEO improves search rankings, along with several other benefits available to businesses that practice solid SEO. 

  • Quality traffic: SEO helps web pages rank higher in search queries, which generates more traffic organically. Unlike pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, appearing organically in search results doesn’t cost anything. Businesses may need to invest in SEO support upfront to produce results, but they won’t need to pay to advertise. SEO drives free traffic over an extended period. 
  • Increased brand awareness and reach: SEO gives brands tools to build brand awareness as internet browsers explore content by various brands. In many instances, brands that use SEO well reach relevant audience members since people search for products and services to meet their specific needs. 
  • Authority and credibility establishment: Generally, a well-established SEO strategy and good quality content build brand authority and trust with users on the web. When search engines trust and rank sites highly, this also boosts the company’s credibility, which can lead to more revenue.
  • Competitive edge: Businesses that do may have the edge over their competitors. Investing in SEO helps businesses outrank competitors and gain market share. 

Search engine optimization best practices

Businesses should craft an SEO strategy that works best for the company as part of a larger marketing strategy. While there’s no one-size-fits-all approach, some general best practices apply.

  • Study search intent to understand customers. SEO effectiveness depends on how well a business understands what undiscovered customers may be searching for. As a first step, brands can spend some time determining how potential consumers might search for terms that will lead them to discover the business.
  • Audit and optimize individual pages. With search intent in mind, brands should audit their website and current pages and prioritize accordingly. Examples include using short and descriptive URLs, constructing relevant meta descriptions, and utilizing headers to structure page content. The goal is to create a user experience that appeals to the identified leads. 
  • Focus on site accessibility. Human readers and search engines need to be able to access the content. When optimizing site accessibility, businesses can make it easier for bots to access their sites by considering page speed, mobile-friendly experiences, and navigation.

Search engine optimization vs. search engine marketing

Organizations can use both search engine optimization and search engine marketing (SEM) as part of their overarching marketing strategy.

SEO is the process of trying to rank on top in organic search engine results to drive traffic. Keyword research and on-page SEO are part of the process. SEM is a form of marketing involving driving traffic to sites from search engines primarily through paid advertising, such as pay-per-click.

As part of a larger SEO strategy, local SEO software can help businesses find local prospective customers while improving search rankings.

Alyssa Towns

Alyssa Towns

Alyssa Towns works in communications and change management and is a freelance writer for G2. She mainly writes SaaS, productivity, and career-adjacent content. In her spare time, Alyssa is either enjoying a new restaurant with her husband, playing with her Bengal cats Yeti and Yowie, adventuring outdoors, or reading a book from her TBR list.

Software de Search Engine Optimization

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