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I was thinking, except of using two Photons, using a RasPi in combination with an Electron(?) in my furniture.

The floor of the Chair measures weight, the table measures inclination, vibration and light, and the table controls the lamp and the "pomodoro stripe" (see website for understanding). I refrained from having long cables between the two units, thus WiFi. But I figure, BTLE might be more useful, and some more computing power might also help, especially when the Chair stands somewhere exposed and I'd like to see who's sitting in it and doing what (mischief prevention), but also user-dependent settings would be cool, supported by OpenCV or something.
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Will H.
Ei Andy – parece um projeto divertido! Acho que você encontrará muito mais engajamento em nossos fóruns da comunidade em – me marque lá (@will) e eu acompanharei!
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