When will SalesLoft Launch a patch to code meetings booked through the scheduler as events in SalesForce?

As the core purpose of the platform is to ease the outreach to leads in order to secure opportunities to put time on the calendar it seems a complete oversight that the meetings booked through SalesLoft are not tracked as such in its integration with SalesForce. A patch for this should be a top priority for the dev team. (I mention this after a short conversation with the CS team where they mentioned this was not a current functionality and hope that this is not simply an administrator error on our end)
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Resposta Oficial
Alexandria S.
Product Marketing Manager at SalesLoft
Lofter, Obrigado pela sua pergunta! O SalesLoft suporta a sincronização de reuniões agendadas entre o SalesLoft e o Salesforce. Seu administrador precisa configurar essa configuração. Saiba mais com o artigo de suporte no link abaixo: https://support.salesloft.com/hc/en-us/articles/360030110191-Salesforce-Activity-Logging#Meeting_logged_event Atenciosamente, Snow
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