Ao avaliar as duas soluções, os avaliadores consideraram Slido mais fácil de usar, configurar e administrar. No entanto, os avaliadores preferiram fazer negócios com Vevox no geral.
Pretty straight forward to submit questions as well as upvote or downvote ones you want addressed. Users also have the option to ask questions anonymously and the mobile experience is pretty good.
I do not have many complaints about this product. It's simple and easy to use.
The best thing about Vevox is being able to set it to anonymous. My team meetings have significantly more questions when we set Vevox to anonymous. People are not afraid to ask difficult questions of the presenters and generally feel more at ease even when...
Nada de mais, mas não somos o usuário final propriamente dito. Os clientes têm sido.
Pretty straight forward to submit questions as well as upvote or downvote ones you want addressed. Users also have the option to ask questions anonymously and the mobile experience is pretty good.
The best thing about Vevox is being able to set it to anonymous. My team meetings have significantly more questions when we set Vevox to anonymous. People are not afraid to ask difficult questions of the presenters and generally feel more at ease even when...
I do not have many complaints about this product. It's simple and easy to use.
Nada de mais, mas não somos o usuário final propriamente dito. Os clientes têm sido.