Ao avaliar as duas soluções, os avaliadores consideraram Quizizz mais fácil de usar, configurar e administrar. Os avaliadores também preferiram fazer negócios com Quizizz no geral.
Tem feedback instantâneo e está conectado ao Google Classroom. Posso facilmente atribuir problemas de matemática aos alunos.
It's too distracting. There are bad memes after a lot of the questions which slow you down and there are powerups which seem to be the focus but really it degrades the quality of the platform. You can't even go back and change your answers.
Quizlet is a fun and easy way for students to review important vocabulary. It is easy for the teacher to create a vocabulary set and students just access the flashcards. The other great thing is the games. My students love being able to compete with other...
Coisas que você precisa pagar (assinatura premium)
Tem feedback instantâneo e está conectado ao Google Classroom. Posso facilmente atribuir problemas de matemática aos alunos.
Quizlet is a fun and easy way for students to review important vocabulary. It is easy for the teacher to create a vocabulary set and students just access the flashcards. The other great thing is the games. My students love being able to compete with other...
It's too distracting. There are bad memes after a lot of the questions which slow you down and there are powerups which seem to be the focus but really it degrades the quality of the platform. You can't even go back and change your answers.
Coisas que você precisa pagar (assinatura premium)