Ao avaliar as duas soluções, os avaliadores consideraram Prove mais fácil de usar, administrar e fazer negócios no geral. No entanto, os avaliadores preferiram a facilidade de configuração com Plaid.
I like that Plaid is connected to so many varying financial institutions so that the majority of users can use it sucessfully.
Nenhum que eu possa ver, funciona bem, não tive problema.
Prove is excellent in minimizing spoofed applicants. With every digital application we receive, we know whether the user's telephone number is in service and if they have possession of the phone. We also receive other demographic information about the...
Personalização limitada no lado do design. Você é obrigado a usar os campos de formulário iframe deles.
I like that Plaid is connected to so many varying financial institutions so that the majority of users can use it sucessfully.
Prove is excellent in minimizing spoofed applicants. With every digital application we receive, we know whether the user's telephone number is in service and if they have possession of the phone. We also receive other demographic information about the...
Nenhum que eu possa ver, funciona bem, não tive problema.
Personalização limitada no lado do design. Você é obrigado a usar os campos de formulário iframe deles.