I like the options for students and easily being able to see their grades.
Você recebe vídeos que não explicam nem 10% do tipo de problemas que você será esperado resolver em tarefas. Para isso, há uma seção de estudo com direções excepcionalmente POBRES. As faculdades estariam melhor oferecendo links para um vídeo da Khan Academy...
I like the videos, games and online manipulatives. It makes learning a bit more fun for the students and allows them more independence.
It doesn't operate as smoothly as competing programs, Pearson customer support is a hassle, direct integration with LMS systems does not function very well in comparison to other programs like Connect. Extra tutoring and learning reinforcement is lacking in...
I like the options for students and easily being able to see their grades.
I like the videos, games and online manipulatives. It makes learning a bit more fun for the students and allows them more independence.
Você recebe vídeos que não explicam nem 10% do tipo de problemas que você será esperado resolver em tarefas. Para isso, há uma seção de estudo com direções excepcionalmente POBRES. As faculdades estariam melhor oferecendo links para um vídeo da Khan Academy...
It doesn't operate as smoothly as competing programs, Pearson customer support is a hassle, direct integration with LMS systems does not function very well in comparison to other programs like Connect. Extra tutoring and learning reinforcement is lacking in...