Ao avaliar as duas soluções, os avaliadores consideraram Karbon mais fácil de usar, configurar e administrar. Os avaliadores também preferiram fazer negócios com Karbon no geral.
Karbon é como o centro de comando para nossa firma de contabilidade, reunindo perfeitamente todas as nossas comunicações, tarefas e trabalho com clientes em um só lugar. Os recursos colaborativos de e-mail e gerenciamento de tarefas são revolucionários,...
The cumbersome nature of setting up work
I am just starting out with TaxDome but I really like the ability to make such a 'smart' organizer that only has clients focus on the parts that are relevant to them. I like being able to set up a pipeline with automatation that keeps the processes flowing...
I have watched the videos on creating a workflow and they have you create a template but then in no way does the video explain how it relates to the pipeline. So I have a template with what I need and a Pipeline that doesn't work.
Karbon é como o centro de comando para nossa firma de contabilidade, reunindo perfeitamente todas as nossas comunicações, tarefas e trabalho com clientes em um só lugar. Os recursos colaborativos de e-mail e gerenciamento de tarefas são revolucionários,...
I am just starting out with TaxDome but I really like the ability to make such a 'smart' organizer that only has clients focus on the parts that are relevant to them. I like being able to set up a pipeline with automatation that keeps the processes flowing...
The cumbersome nature of setting up work
I have watched the videos on creating a workflow and they have you create a template but then in no way does the video explain how it relates to the pipeline. So I have a template with what I need and a Pipeline that doesn't work.