Ao avaliar as duas soluções, os revisores acharam HashiCorp Consul mais fácil de usar, configurar e administrar. No entanto, preferiram fazer negócios com F5 NGINX em geral.
Few things are simply amazing: 1. Very dev friendly configurations. 2. Powerful. 3. Active Community and very good documentation. 4. configurable and pluggable
Can't be able to check logs of nginx I can't be able to find log file
its cluster system way how it worked and worked evenly if one main node turned off
Not yet a wide community that uses consul. So the support remains in a small circle. Moreover I would like to have more integration of consul with CICD tools like jenkins, etc
Few things are simply amazing: 1. Very dev friendly configurations. 2. Powerful. 3. Active Community and very good documentation. 4. configurable and pluggable
its cluster system way how it worked and worked evenly if one main node turned off
Can't be able to check logs of nginx I can't be able to find log file
Not yet a wide community that uses consul. So the support remains in a small circle. Moreover I would like to have more integration of consul with CICD tools like jenkins, etc