Ao avaliar as duas soluções, os revisores acharam JustFOIA mais fácil de usar, configurar e administrar. Também preferiram fazer negócios com JustFOIA em geral.
I appreciate that there is a number of ways for me to organize the documents I've reviewed, including storybuilders and binders. The Master Chronology saves me a great deal of time and allows me to quickly review all of the important documents in a case.
Batch assignment process makes it a little hard to compare docs from different batches
JustFOIA is an easy software to process Open Records Requests. I like how the requester can fill out the form and comes directly to me. All you have to do is upload the files, invoice, and complete. It is user-friendly and easy to navigate. JustFOIA also...
I appreciate that there is a number of ways for me to organize the documents I've reviewed, including storybuilders and binders. The Master Chronology saves me a great deal of time and allows me to quickly review all of the important documents in a case.
JustFOIA is an easy software to process Open Records Requests. I like how the requester can fill out the form and comes directly to me. All you have to do is upload the files, invoice, and complete. It is user-friendly and easy to navigate. JustFOIA also...
Batch assignment process makes it a little hard to compare docs from different batches