Ao avaliar as duas soluções, os avaliadores consideraram Everfit mais fácil de usar e configurar. No entanto, os avaliadores sentiram que a administração de ambos os produtos era igualmente fácil e preferiram fazer negócios com PT Distinction no geral.
How easy is to use for me and my clients
Super quick and easy to navigate around the app and admin website. Time efficient when setting up and scheduling programs for clients. Very adaptable and easy to adjust features to fit your coaching style as a PT. Easy for clients to log their workouts and...
Nada a desgostar quando se trata do PT Distinction e, o software está continuamente melhorando e evoluindo.
How easy is to use for me and my clients
Super quick and easy to navigate around the app and admin website. Time efficient when setting up and scheduling programs for clients. Very adaptable and easy to adjust features to fit your coaching style as a PT. Easy for clients to log their workouts and...
Nada a desgostar quando se trata do PT Distinction e, o software está continuamente melhorando e evoluindo.