Ao avaliar as duas soluções, os revisores acharam Convene mais fácil de usar, configurar e administrar. No entanto, sentiram que ambos os fornecedores facilitam igualmente fazer negócios em geral.
Very straightfoward to use. Efficient & effective helpdesk exists in the event support is needed.
The ‘shelf’ system can become quite cumbersome with longstanding Boards. Inability to edit a document within the system (and having to republish the entire book when making any change – including renaming a book). The stock templates are quite ugly and we...
What was really was a gamechanger for me was being able to access live 24/7 representative help.
Very straightfoward to use. Efficient & effective helpdesk exists in the event support is needed.
What was really was a gamechanger for me was being able to access live 24/7 representative help.
The ‘shelf’ system can become quite cumbersome with longstanding Boards. Inability to edit a document within the system (and having to republish the entire book when making any change – including renaming a book). The stock templates are quite ugly and we...