Ao avaliar as duas soluções, os revisores acharam Jellyfish mais fácil de usar, configurar e administrar. Também preferiram fazer negócios com Jellyfish em geral.
When working properly, the product can provide valuable insight into finding talent within your organization. It can also help find developers that struggle and improve their coding and code review practices. The product is in constant evolution.
The idea of Flow is good, but the current implementation is limited to when a PR was done, but it doesn't have what I need: How is the employee performing this sprint when compared with other sprints? Are the employees working in the same area of code...
Jellyfish gives me immediate insight into how my team is doing, with line-level detail at a click of a button. It's also interesting to see the benchmarked data of any group against any group; team against company, company against external companies, team...
Jellyfish UI is a little old; it can be made engaging. Jellyfish JIRA integration should be improved. Jellyfish should give an alert if the candidates performance is going down.
When working properly, the product can provide valuable insight into finding talent within your organization. It can also help find developers that struggle and improve their coding and code review practices. The product is in constant evolution.
Jellyfish gives me immediate insight into how my team is doing, with line-level detail at a click of a button. It's also interesting to see the benchmarked data of any group against any group; team against company, company against external companies, team...
The idea of Flow is good, but the current implementation is limited to when a PR was done, but it doesn't have what I need: How is the employee performing this sprint when compared with other sprints? Are the employees working in the same area of code...
Jellyfish UI is a little old; it can be made engaging. Jellyfish JIRA integration should be improved. Jellyfish should give an alert if the candidates performance is going down.