Ao avaliar as duas soluções, os revisores acharam Google Cloud Pub/Sub mais fácil de usar e configurar. No entanto, Amazon MQ é mais fácil de administrar. Os revisores concordaram que ambos os fornecedores facilitam igualmente fazer negócios em geral.
They have great customer service and easy to navigate
I did not like the cost and I found it difficult to get the customer support that I needed.
The most amazing thing about Cloud Pub/Sub is that it solves a very hard problem in a very easy way.
Can be difficult to use once started with the program. It’s very concise and concrete.
They have great customer service and easy to navigate
The most amazing thing about Cloud Pub/Sub is that it solves a very hard problem in a very easy way.
I did not like the cost and I found it difficult to get the customer support that I needed.
Can be difficult to use once started with the program. It’s very concise and concrete.