Ao avaliar as duas soluções, os revisores acharam CloudAMQP mais fácil de usar, configurar e administrar. Também preferiram fazer negócios com CloudAMQP em geral.
The best part about Amazon MQ is that our development team is given the ability to change maintenance windows with minimum rebooting. This improves our efficiency.
SQS seems like its better supported and that we may have to eventually switch to that
The only thing I like is not having to manage my own rabbitMQ cluster and being able to see what is happening.
A interface do usuário carece de facilidade de uso, tornando difícil monitorar e gerenciar clusters RabbitMQ. Seria melhor se o CloudAMQP aumentasse a interface, tornando-a mais intuitiva e fácil para os usuários navegarem e resolverem quaisquer problemas...
The best part about Amazon MQ is that our development team is given the ability to change maintenance windows with minimum rebooting. This improves our efficiency.
The only thing I like is not having to manage my own rabbitMQ cluster and being able to see what is happening.
SQS seems like its better supported and that we may have to eventually switch to that
A interface do usuário carece de facilidade de uso, tornando difícil monitorar e gerenciar clusters RabbitMQ. Seria melhor se o CloudAMQP aumentasse a interface, tornando-a mais intuitiva e fácil para os usuários navegarem e resolverem quaisquer problemas...