Ao avaliar as duas soluções, os revisores acharam Unravel Data mais fácil de usar, configurar e administrar. No entanto, sentiram que ambos os fornecedores facilitam igualmente fazer negócios em geral.
User Friendly , ease of use , in-build DQ Rules , Navigatoins
The product that we use is a single plane of glass that provides the information we need, when we need it. It is extremely intuitive and responsive! Unravel Data support team is seemingly always around to help us utilize their product and even troubleshoot...
Altos requisitos de financiamento e é uma plataforma cara.
User Friendly , ease of use , in-build DQ Rules , Navigatoins
The product that we use is a single plane of glass that provides the information we need, when we need it. It is extremely intuitive and responsive! Unravel Data support team is seemingly always around to help us utilize their product and even troubleshoot...
Altos requisitos de financiamento e é uma plataforma cara.