Recursos de Software de Saúde e Segurança Ambiental
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Artigos Software de Saúde e Segurança Ambiental
What Is GDPR? How It Affects Your Sales Team
Environmental Health and Safety in the Age of Industry 4.0
Why Environmental Health and Safety Matters, More Than Ever
Discussões Software de Saúde e Segurança Ambiental
for Apple users not access . if its added in App store that will be great.
1) We have to re-route closed document first to an open phase than we can update it in new web services. But in old web services (CommandManager) , we were able to update document. It is difficult sometime for some document to route back to open phase. 2) Some document is not allowing to re-open it due to revision control, how we can re-open those document? Is there any way? We have document like "Material Profile". It having three phase Draft, Approval and Approved. If any document is in Approved phase, we can not re-route that document using global function. 3) Sometimes when we create any document using REST web services and document data does not found in EtQ. Document created with Error, which is not valid. It should not be created as data is not correctly provided. Currently, we are managing this by our custom validation.