The Stock Footage Software solutions below are the most common alternatives that users and reviewers compare with Videvo. Other important factors to consider when researching alternatives to Videvo include content and videos. The best overall Videvo alternative is Vecteezy. Other similar apps like Videvo are Vimeo, Shutterstock, Storyblocks, and Adobe Stock. Videvo alternatives can be found in Stock Footage Software but may also be in Stock Photos Websites or Video Hosting Platforms.
Vecteezy is a leading global provider of digital imagery like stock photos and vector art as well as creative other creative assets like stock video footage, icons, PSDs, templates, and more. Developed by an American company which is headquartered in Bowling Green, KY.
Vimeo makes creating video easy and attainable, regardless of budget, time or expertise. With Vimeo you can fully customize and control how your content is shared, viewed and managed to maximize the impact of every video.
Shutterstock is a leading global technology company offering a creative platform for high-quality assets, tools and services. Shutterstock offers a variety of plans for individuals, teams, and enterprise customers as well as creative editing and collaboration capabilities. The Shutterstock portfolio of brands includes Bigstock, Offset, PremiumBeat, Rex Features and Shutterstock Custom.
Storyblocks is a marketplace for royalty-free stock media assets.
Preview watermarked images inside your designs first. Then license, access and manage them directly within Photoshop CC, InDesign CC, Illustrator CC, and other Adobe desktop apps.
Pixabay is a vibrant community of creatives, sharing copyright free images and videos. All contents are released under Creative Commons CC0, which makes them safe to use without asking for permission or giving credit to the artist - even for commercial purposes.
High-resolution photo marketplace.
iStock provides stock photos and imagery collections for advertising and graphic design as well as print and online publishing.
Yay Images hails from Norway as one of the first microstock agencies, providing high-quality licensed stock media since 2008. Featuring a collection of 11M photographs, 1.2M vectors/graphics, and 200K videos for businesses, startups, marketing agencies, and media organizations around the world. With a growing contributor base of over 18,000 global photographers, Yay Images adds hundreds of thousands of new photos and videos every month.
Pond5 is the worlds largest, most vibrant video-first content marketplace, providing filmmakers, creators, and producers of all kinds with the content, inspiration, and tools they need to improve their projects. As the only content marketplace that meaningfully shares licensing revenue with its contributing artists, Pond5 is driven by a commitment to its passionate and growing global community of more than 60,000 professional visual and audio creators, providing a platform where their creative work can flourish, and helping them to make a sustainable living.