In large group chats, Telegram Prime is unbeaten. The file upload capability has been improved tremendously and the feature of admin management for multiple admins is totally a great help. We can remain on track with our projects by the fact that the platform is able to keep them organized and managed effectively. Review collected by and hosted on
Telegram Prime's functionality is basically tailored towards the smartphone app. They didn’t have the convenience of desktop app, which may work against the ease-of-use factor for users who are mostly computer just users. I find that when I switch frequently between phone and desktop, this immensely disrupts my workflow. This leads me to waste a lot of time which significantly reduces my overall productivity. Review collected by and hosted on
Telegram Prime gives secure and reliable dashboard where we can share files and chat with end to end server encryption. They don't have any privacy glitch or without any hassle we can transfer data with fast uptime. Review collected by and hosted on
Some time It seems like a server glitch but their tech support team take care of all things at their end. Review collected by and hosted on
Enjoy a high level of security with end-to-end encrypted secret chats, safeguarding your messages from cyber-attacks. also Seamlessness of Deployment. number of features are likely high Review collected by and hosted on
The app lacks voice communication, requires occasional launches for message reception, and relies on mobile device contact permissions for its phone number-based contact list, Utilization Frequency. Review collected by and hosted on
It's so well thought out and is amazing for when i need to send/contact many customers or a large database Review collected by and hosted on
Nothing i dislike, very well thought out and executed Review collected by and hosted on