Patti S.

    Great Mobius Replacement Option

    "It allows us to store our data and be able to view it by the whole document or individual documents if the report is indexed. There are different ways to send files to Content Cloud making it easy to get anything you need in there. The People working at Systemware are very very very helpful. This is much more user friendly than our old Mobius interface. Security can get really..."

    Lorraine K.
    Leisure, Travel & Tourism

    This company and their products are fabulous

    "It gives us exactly what we need and replaced an aging ASG InfoPac System"

    Verified User in Retail
    Verified User in Retail
    Verified User in Retail

    Best and smoothest production transition I've ever been involved in.

    "The systemware reporting system is a 100% upgrade in every way to the old system it replaced. Real time collecting, incredible flexibility, very easy to learn interface all backed by an incredible rollout team and support group. Our daily users love using the web based interface over the old mainframe emulation they suffered with."