Explore the best alternatives to Risk Shell for users who need new software features or want to try different solutions. Other important factors to consider when researching alternatives to Risk Shell include reliability and ease of use. The best overall Risk Shell alternative is SAS Risk Management. Other similar apps like Risk Shell are Nitrogen, MyComplianceOffice, Orion Risk Intelligence, and TurnKey Lender. Risk Shell alternatives can be found in Financial Risk Management Software but may also be in Regulatory Change Management Software or Financial Research Software.
Nitrogen is the company that invented the Risk Number®, which powers the world’s first Growth Platform and was built on a Nobel Prize-winning academic framework. Advisors, wealth management firms, and asset managers use the Nitrogen platform to accelerate prospects to assets to engaged and retained clients, with the insights and analytics to keep it all on track — all with the mission of empowering the world to invest fearlessly. To learn more, visit riskalyze.com.
MyComplianceOffice is a powerful software solution that automates compliance program activities and demonstrates an organization’s culture of compliance.
Start risk conversations off right with next-level business intelligence, risk analytics, and economic research to help you guide each client toward investment strategies that work for them — regardless of what’s happening in the world.
TurnKey Lender is a cloud based system for evaluating borrowers, decision-making support, and online-lending automation.
Comprehensive solutions to help you identify, assess, and manage financial risk. Credit Checks, Enhanced Director Matching, AML Checks, Due Diligence, Business Intelligence, Predictive Analytics, and much more!
SAS® RISK MODELING A faster, cheaper, more flexible risk modeling solution than any outsourcing alternative.
The RapidRatings helps you to select the strongest partners to build a resilient supply chain. Identify potential risks, take action early, and minimize the impact of possible disruptions with clear visibility into your third-party ecosystem.
Q2 Platform provides financial institutions leading-edge technology and unmatched customer service with feature-on-demand capabilities for retail and commercial banking.