PowerPTC.net is not the only option for Classroom Messaging Software. Explore other competing options and alternatives. Other important factors to consider when researching alternatives to PowerPTC.net include reliability and ease of use. The best overall PowerPTC.net alternative is SchoolStatus. Other similar apps like PowerPTC.net are TalkingPoints, Schoology, ClassDojo, and Remind. PowerPTC.net alternatives can be found in Classroom Messaging Software but may also be in Learning Management Systems or Child Care Software.
School Status is, by far, the most user-friendly school management and communications software available. Its unique tool aggregates all distinct data together in one place, allowing principals, teachers, accountability directors, department heads, and school communication directors to make informed, thoughtful decisions for their students and parents. Users can quickly build visualizations and discover actionable insight with data drawn from their: - Student Information System - Attendance and Disciple Programs - Learning Management System - State & Local Assessments - Benchmarks - Communication metrics
TalkingPoints drives student success in low-income, diverse areas through building strong partnerships across parents, schools, and communities.
Schoology has redefined the LMS to make online and blended learning a collective effort and to increase the overall impact of everyone involved in a student's education. Schoology ensures the virtual classroom is as robust as, or more than, traditional learning environments.
ClassDojo is a simple classroom management using positive feedback and parent communication.
Remind helps teachers reach students and parents where they are.
Brightwheel is a leading provider of software for the early education industry. With brightwheel, teachers save valuable time through easy tools for assessment, communication, and photo sharing; administrators can manage their business with enrollment, reporting, and online bill pay; parents get a beautiful, real-time view of their child’s day that helps them participate in the learning + continue it at home.
OpenEduCat is a comprehensive open source ERP for educational institutes.
Edsby is a modern, cloud-based learning management system (LMS) for K-12 school districts that uses latest web and mobile technologies to connect teachers, students and parents in exciting new ways. It incorporates social learning, school news, group collaboration, assessment management, timetables and calendars, course planning, report cards, attendance and more.
LineLeader by ChildcareCRM is the first and only unified platform that combines a full-featured customer relationship management (CRM) software, a family engagement app, and childcare management software (CMS)—together in one powerful solution.
IvyQuantum™ delivers the most advanced 24/7/365 automated support and efficient human intervention with AI chatbots, Live Chat, SMS, and more.