Macrorit Data Wiper is not the only option for Data Destruction Software. Explore other competing options and alternatives. Other important factors to consider when researching alternatives to Macrorit Data Wiper include ease of use and reliability. The best overall Macrorit Data Wiper alternative is Deel. Other similar apps like Macrorit Data Wiper are Blancco, File Shredder, WIPERAPP, and Ashampoo WinOptimizer. Macrorit Data Wiper alternatives can be found in Data Destruction Software but may also be in Multi-Country Payroll Software or IT Asset Management Software.
Deel simplifies payroll so you can hire anyone, anywhere. We streamline compliance and payments through our independent contractor and EOR model. With Deel, generate legally binding contracts that cover local labor laws in over 150 countries, offer flexible withdrawals, and enjoy 24/7 customer support. It’s the modern payments platform built for the future of work.
Blancco Data Eraser solutions provide organizations with an absolute line of defense against costly security breaches, as well as verification of regulatory compliance through a 100% tamper-proof audit trail.
At WIPERAPP, our goal is to offer a secure and eco-friendly data erasure solutions that adhere to the strictest industry norms. We are committed to promoting a circular economy by repurposing computer hardware. Through our cutting-edge data erasure technology, we aim to assist both businesses and individuals in responsibly disposing of digital assets, while simultaneously decreasing electronic waste and safeguarding the planet for future generations.
Wipe out all content and settings on (locked) iPhone iPad iPod permanently. Protect your personal privacy safely.
We believe in access to opportunity. By taking care of IT asset management globally, we enable top companies to focus on finding, hiring and retaining the best talent regardless of location.