Looking for alternatives or competitors to DACRA Tech? Other important factors to consider when researching alternatives to DACRA Tech include ease of use and reliability. The best overall DACRA Tech alternative is NEOGOV Talent Management Suite. Other similar apps like DACRA Tech are LexisNexis eCitation, OpenGov Permitting & Licensing, InTime, and Quest Software. DACRA Tech alternatives can be found in Other Law Enforcement Software but may also be in Other Government Software or File Migration Software.
NEOGOV HR software automates the entire hiring and performance evaluation process, including position requisition approval, automatic minimum qualification screening, test statistics and analysis, and EEO reporting.
More complete, legible and accurate electronic traffic citations in minutes
OpenGov Permitting & Licensing is a software that lets governments customize their online workflows to manage permit requests from intake to issuance.
InTime is a centrally hosted scheduling model that can be localized to the needs of your agency with scalable features to help you manage data flow and more.
We are more than just a name we are on a quest to make your information technology work harder for you. Our solutions simplify the IT operations at more than 100,000 organizations worldwide.
Our solutions eliminate the need to switch between multiple platforms for CRM, Newsletters and Website. As former staffers, Fireside’s Account Team understands the needs of Hill offices. We offer support and strategic advice for constituent engagement efforts.
eAgent offers CJI data access solutions for the criminal justice community.
Tendertiger assures maximum verified business opportunities from around the world in form of Tenders, RFQ, EOI, Reverse Auction, eAuction & more. TenderTiger.com is #1 Tender portal on the following counts listed below. That's because we track maximum number of Tenders from all over the world. Tenders from Thousands of newspapers & government websites are tracked daily with help of intelligent data crawlers. Moreover to ensure you never miss a tender or get junk tenders, Tenders are classified using our own multi tier classification system.
MaestroVision’s automated, synchronized classroom recording system allows educators to conduct classes remotely in the classroom utilizing their choice of high definition cameras, monitors and projectors.
FACES software is a facial composite software used by law enforcement and educational communities for computer forensics training and forensic investigation.