Explore the best alternatives to Cough Drop Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) for users who need new software features or want to try different solutions. Other important factors to consider when researching alternatives to Cough Drop Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) include ease of use and reliability. The best overall Cough Drop Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) alternative is Skyward Student Management Suite. Other similar apps like Cough Drop Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) are PowerSchool Unified Classroom, Synergy Education Platform, YellowFolder, and Frontline Special Education Management Software. Cough Drop Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) alternatives can be found in Special Education Software but may also be in K-12 Student Information Systems or Classroom Management Software.
Skyward offers school districts a complete solution for all their administrative software needs, beginning with an implementation that meets timelines and ensures staff are comfortable and knowledgeable, through running the expansive capabilities of the School Management System to produce state reports faster with more accuracy.
PowerSchool is the leading education technology platform for K-12 providing compliant online solutions, including registration and school choice, student information systems, learning management and classroom collaboration, assessment, analytics, and special education management.
Synergy Education Platform provides all the data and process management functionality you expect from a world-class SIS, while extending beyond traditional SIS boundaries to deliver greater value.
YellowFolder provides a cloud-based, digital file cabinet where your school system can safely store, retrieve and manage all school records in one place. Automatic matriculation, retention, and compliance.
Confidently Meet the Needs of the Whole Child. Build a continuum of services with Frontline’s Special Education & Interventions software.
Helperbird is your all in one extension that gives you the features to make the web more accessible and productive. Providing you text to speech, OCR, dyslexia support, dictation, immersive reader, overlays, annotate any website, picture dictionary, Reader mode, and more.
PowerSchool covers all areas of education including 504 processes, services capture for Medicaid billing, special education case management, gifted and talented, English language learners, and Response to Intervention (RTI).
Embrace is a proficient and comprehensive software program designed to streamline the IEP process and reduce staff frustration. Embrace offers a comprehensive IEP experience by including state and core learning standards, an information tracking form, parental contact data logs, a variety of administrative reports, and much more!
PCG Education is a leading provider of comprehensive, Web-based student case management solutions for special education.
Computer-adaptive assessments, instruction and more