I like the amount of task for each subject its just enough and well elaborated. i like the lessons sequence that's cover the path learning java. the other thing i really like are the comments about the future/possibility as a java programmer if you work hard, the real statistics that show us the real possibility to have a job in a tech field and off course the challenge to "level up " is very exciting you must to learn some to make it it's different to read a book or video course where you can skip/jump subjects. For me it's like "Jump in and join to the greats". thanks CodeGym Review collected by and hosted on G2.com.
It's always coming to the conversation with friends when talk about the "certification credibility" , the meaning of the program, if it worth or not? And i just say and prove to them that it's farway better than college*, it's deep challenge learning hands on training(with massive 500 hrs), if you are really good and work hard you can achieve, your parents doesn't need to donate $$ ""Lol" it's free (just your brain counts). And it's a global fun training community. other tan that i am very critical about the task requirements clearest. Sorry, but i become a fan. :) * a few years ago i enrolled in a advanced college program web database development where the teacher could not explain a simple code php hello world not working, a css teacher ask each of the 24 students to brings up to discussion ""in class room" about 3 websites they think are good/not (she didn't move her ass from the chair or explain any command on entire quarter), than i got bored and move on more course "c# advanced" the teacher was given a algorithm to count and print 1 to 3 numbers on the screen. another guy was take the same course for second time and he ask me why he could not get hired? do i need to say more? that's my answer for the only thing i may dislike about CodeGym, my life experience prove. Review collected by and hosted on G2.com.
One of the best things about Code Gym is the community, you really have to push yourself and do some homework, but there is a large community of like minded people always a few clicks away to help you when you are really stuck and just not comprehending something. There are a few men and women that I would consider mentors at this point with how much they've helped me. It is never just get an answer either, they will point you in the right direction and give you a few things to study and read over so that you are really understanding the topic at hand! Review collected by and hosted on G2.com.
I dislike how frustrated I get sometimes. I know that learning to program is a marathon, and not a sprint, but sometimes when I've worked all day and come home and start studying to almost instantly get stuck on a new concept that I haven't encountered can be VERY frustrating. I just wish that I had more time to dedicate to CodeGym so I could push myself further at a pace I'm happy with. Review collected by and hosted on G2.com.
Story based, gamified experience. This makes difficult concepts stick more easily. Review collected by and hosted on G2.com.
I just started, so not much so far. Maybe just one thing: the conversations are a bit mannered and too simple, but maybe that is the concept. You need to decide, who is your target audience: children or grown ups, and eventually write more sophisticated conversations.
Some cheet sheets (i.e in printable pdf format) would come handy as summary of important topics, with definitions. See Eric Matthes' Python Flash Cards, or the Cheet sheets for his book Python Crash Course.: https://ehmatthes.github.io/pcc/cheatsheets/README.html Review collected by and hosted on G2.com.
I love the repetition and the fun ways of presenting lessons. This is the best thing in Java ever developed-- including Java itself. I am motivated to continue and learn. The community is non-toxic and friendly. Review collected by and hosted on G2.com.
I do not have enough time to do this. I think there should be an 'ad' option for those of us who are broke. Make a HS version and compete with other AP CSA courses.... Review collected by and hosted on G2.com.
Easy to follow task, the matter that the task are repetitive make you retain more of what you are learning.
The codegym plugin in IntelliJ IDE
the run and verify buttons to run your task without verifying, then the verify button when you are satisfied.
Topics are easy to understand and instructor give more real world examples that make the learning more fun and meaningfull. Review collected by and hosted on G2.com.
Some task description are so small that it leads to confusion. Review collected by and hosted on G2.com.
The course Is a very clear and complete way of learning Java.
The lessons are clear and understandable.
The course has a lot of proposed practices, which are the best way to learn. Review collected by and hosted on G2.com.
i think there are too much tasks doing the same. You can learning the language without so many repetitives tasks. In that sense,i think the course is too much conscientious Review collected by and hosted on G2.com.
Start typing some JAVA code and see what it does ! Clever activities & programming paths to build confidence & success hands on. Quickly move on to using industry standard tools using IntelliJ. Unique highly responsive community that helps put rapidly. Review collected by and hosted on G2.com.
If I want to go faster, let me skip thru some exercises ... let me go on ahead ! Review collected by and hosted on G2.com.
Articles made by community. It's great when You want to better understand some topics. For total newbie in programming world - everything seems to be nice and clear. Another nice thing is idea with levels. People like to gain experience. I am hoping that in the next levels there will be more chalenges and more xp to obtain ;) Review collected by and hosted on G2.com.
Well, sometimes some simple tasks (keep it mind that I'm writing review as Level 3) like console output are repeated and repeated. For people that learned any other language (C++ FTW) first three levels of your character are boooring. I thought that "campaign" mode with stories, characters will be fun, but in fact it is not. Don't get me wrong - for kid - hell yeah, but for adult person it is more like watching Home Alone for 176 time (It is a Christmass tradition to watch Home Alone at 24 od December). Review collected by and hosted on G2.com.
the training model is excellent, it makes me not easily bored and continuously challenged to continue Review collected by and hosted on G2.com.
I feel that so far for the levels I have been through the lessons can be reduced without missing any practice Review collected by and hosted on G2.com.