BuzzBoard Testimonials

    Leann C.
    marketing consultant - Marketing and Advertising

    makes life so easy!

    "i love the short cut in chrome! makes it so easy to add prospects"

    Karie T.
    Karie T.
    Integrated Digital Specialist - Marketing and Advertising

    Buzzboard is one of my favorite research tools!

    "When prospecting a new potential digital advertiser, Buzzboard is one of the first places I go to gain insight on a business and their presence online. It's a great tool for existing advertisers as well to either help make a case why they should increase their digital ad spend or to show them progress over time if you shared their score initially to gain the business. There are an incredible..."

    Jon B.
    Jon B.
    Regional Director (RD) Nexstar - Marketing and Advertising

    Buzzboard Praise

    "I like several features, first the prospecting (great filtering capabilities); second, the profile analysis of the business you have selected for prospecting; third the competitive analysis (helping your client get or keep a leg up on the competition). Finally, keep a snapshot of where they were when they purchased with you. You can continue to show them how much better they are with this..."

    Marsha D.
    Marketing Consultant - Marketing and Advertising

    Buzzboard easily integrates with SELL

    "I can get Buzzboard report directly on a particular business while I am in SELL. So I can have talking tracks with the company I have called. Helps me to secure a meeting."

    Verified User in Marketing and Advertising
    Verified User in Marketing and Advertising
    Verified User in Marketing and Advertising

    It has been really helpful and useful.

    "Being able to prospect based on google ads has been very nice. On top of that, I can filter by category and location. Overall, it has been a great way for me to find prospects in the area."

    Chelsea C.
    Sales Manager - Marketing and Advertising

    Very helpful in analyzing client websites, coming up with recommendations and sharing the data

    "Its quick, user friendly, downloadable forms"

    Andrew C.
    Andrew C.
    Telesales Growth - Marketing and Advertising

    My Fantastic Experience with Buzzboard

    "How efficiently Buzzboard converts my google searches and brings up all the useful details."

    Leonard O.
    Media Consultant - Marketing and Advertising

    BuzzBoard is helpfull

    "I like best that everything is in one location and it gives a snapshot of the business activity"

    Lauren S.
    Lauren S.
    Account Executive - Marketing and Advertising

    Business prospecting

    "quick digital diagnosis of business health"

    Juanita T.
    Juanita T.
    Account Executive - Marketing and Advertising

    Buzzboard In the Life of a Sales Rep

    "I enjoy the ease of using Buzzboard to investigate new prospects. It helps in evaluating the size of the company that I may potentially call. Having the data leads to great conversations!"

    Amanda R.
    Marketing Consultant - Marketing and Advertising

    Great resource for prospecting. I've gotten so many appointments from using BuzzBoard.

    "The fact that I can filter to my area to find new prospects"

    Paul R.
    Paul R.
    M - Online Media

    Buzzboard Helps Me To Build A Strong Pipeline Fast!

    "I love the fact that I can sift through all the accounts quickly that are near me and how I can find the best leads to build my pipeline. The three competitive comparisons really help me to show them what their competitors are doing and it makes me look smart and informed. It's a great way to introduce myself in our initial meeting. I like that I can customize the sifting of accounts by..."
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