Apache Scout is not the only option for XML Databases. Explore other competing options and alternatives. Other important factors to consider when researching alternatives to Apache Scout include reliability and ease of use. The best overall Apache Scout alternative is IBM Db2. Other similar apps like Apache Scout are MarkLogic, InterSystems IRIS, XMLSpy, and Qizx. Apache Scout alternatives can be found in XML Databases but may also be in Relational Databases or Big Data Integration Platforms.
Schema-agnostic Enterprise NoSQL database technology, coupled w/ powerful search & flexible application services.
InterSystems IRIS is a Complete Data Platform that gives you everything you need to capture, share, understand, and act upon your organization's most valuable asset: your data.
XMLSpy is an XML development environment for modeling, editing, debugging, and transforming all XML technologies. XMLSpy gives developers the tools they need to build the most sophisticated applications with its graphical schema designer, code generation, file converters, debuggers, and profilers for working with XSD, XSLT, XQuery, XBRL, JSON, and more.
The Qualcomm Qizx software is a NoSQL, document-oriented, native XML database that stores, retrieves, and manipulates XML files, documents, and semi-structured data. Qizx is enterprise-ready and is well-suited for high volume, high throughput, workflow environments and text intensive projects where documents need to be quickly loaded and indexed for searching.
Oracle Berkeley DB provides an open source embeddable databases allowing developers the choice of SQL, Key/Value, XML/XQuery or Java Object storage for their data model.
Software development suite of enterprise-class XML, SQL, and UML tools for information architects and application developers.
Flexter is a distributed and secure big data solution for converting XML to text, Hadoop, or a database. It provides rapid conversion of complex XML data locked away in industry data standards and other proprietary XML formats.
BaseX is a light-weight, high-performance and scalable XML Database engine and XPath/XQuery 3.1 Processor, which includes full support for the W3C Update and Full Text extensions. An interactive and user-friendly GUI frontend gives you great insight into your XML documents.
Sonic XML Server ™ is a set of services, high-speed processing, storing and querying XML documents necessary for the management of operational data Sonic ESB. Processing XML-messages in the original XML-format, XML Server is very fast and does not impose restrictions on the schema XML-messages.