Enables to quickly edit and repair CAD data for meshing and simulation, without switching back and forth between CAD software and ANSYS; thanks to its' good integration with ANSYS Review collected by and hosted on G2.com.
The interface is complicated for a native CAD software user; and has a learning curve. Surfacing capabilities and boolean operation are limited, but all these downsides and understandable considering this is not a replacement for CAD tools. Review collected by and hosted on G2.com.
The new spaceclaim is faster to clean the geometry. If any change or iteration needed, we can quickly modify the design, run the simulation and get the results. Our engineering design iteration process gets lot easier Review collected by and hosted on G2.com.
Sometimes for very large geometries if I need to change or modify certain portion of geometry, it stucks and time comsuming although no problems for small and medium size geometries. Review collected by and hosted on G2.com.
Ansys Discovery SpacaClaim is actually quite Review collected by and hosted on G2.com.
It is actually quite user friendly and very easy to use for performing basics catching in modelling operations. If we compare it with traditional Ansys DesignModeler it is actually better alternative. But, if we compare it with other CAD applications which are popular in then market then SpaceClaim isn't that good afterall. For performing some very basic geometry operations within Ansys itself I would recommend SpaceClaim. Moreover, SpaceClaim also lacks the feature of direct point import from a text code as we can do in DesignModeler. I think this is very basic functionality which is useful to directly import all the points at once for generating geometries like truss structures. Review collected by and hosted on G2.com.