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Trade Secrets

by Alyssa Towns
Trade secrets are a type of intellectual property. Learn how to protect trade secrets and how they differ from patents.

What are trade secrets?

Trade secrets are a type of intellectual property (IP) that cover various types of information considered economically valuable because they are not publicly known. A trade secret usually gives a business an advantage over its competitors. 

An example of a trade secret could be the special sauce a fast food restaurant uses on all of its hamburgers, a client list at a B2B company, or an algorithm that a technology software company uses. 

Did you know? Coca-Cola’s recipe is a trade secret that only a few select, anonymous employees know.

Firms and organizations use intellectual property management software to track these important assets.

Types of trade secrets

Trade secrets are defined and protected under Title 18, Part 1, Chapter 90 of the U.S. Code and fall under state jurisdiction. Types of trade secrets, as defined in Chapter 90, include the following:

  • Financial
  • Business
  • Scientific
  • Technical
  • Economic 
  • Engineering 
  • Patterns
  • Plans
  • Compilations
  • Program devices 
  • Formulas
  • Designs
  • Prototypes
  • Methods
  • Techniques
  • Processes
  • Procedures
  • Programs
  • Codes 

The law also specifies that the types of trade secrets above can be tangible or intangible. Information can be physical, electronic, graphical, photographic, or written. 

Elements of trade secrets

There are three elements that must exist to constitute a trade secret. The trade secret will no longer be protected if at any point one or more elements no longer exist.

  • The information is valuable to the owner and is not publicly known. If a trade secret is independently discovered or released by the owner, its protection is removed. 
  • The owner has taken reasonable measures to protect the secrecy of the information. There must be an intentional effort to safeguard the information by the owner or owners. 
  • The information is valuable to those who cannot obtain it. No matter what type of information the trade secret is, it must have economic, actual, or potential value from its confidentiality. 

Benefits of trade secrets

Regardless of the industry, several benefits of trade secrets exist.

  • Indefinite protection: Trade secrets are protected indefinitely under the law. As long as the intellectual property is protected, there are no time limits or expirations.
  • No application or renewal fees: Unlike patents, there are no associated application or renewal fees for trade secrets. Since there are no registration costs, businesses can spend this money protecting the IP instead.
  • Goes into effect immediately: Protection is effective immediately because trade secrets don't need to be legally registered to be protected. They don’t require any procedural processes or formalities to obtain them. 

Drawbacks of trade secrets

As with all forms of protection, there are some drawbacks of trade secrets to consider.

  • Leaks and reverse engineering: A trade secret is no longer protected if it gets leaked. Similarly, if a trade secret is “reverse engineered” or discovered through legitimate means, it is no longer protected. 
  • Internal processes and procedures must be followed: Keeping trade secrets safe within a business requires implementing processes and procedures to protect them. It requires a great deal of trust, as well as non-disclosure agreements (NDAs) and other contracts. A trade secret can be at risk if an employee doesn’t follow the processes and procedures.
  • More difficult to sell or license: Compared to patents, trade secrets can be more challenging to sell or license to others since they’re less formalized. Less potential for monetization may not be a good fit for all businesses.
  • Potential for patent: If an independent party discovers a trade secret independently, they could patent it. This could lead to legal complications. 

Trade secrets best practices

When protecting a trade secret, organizations should follow specific best practices to ensure correct procedures.

  • Establish clear policies and convey them across the organization. Be open and honest with the organization about the importance of trade secret protection. Create policies to ensure all team members understand their roles and the consequences of leaking secrets.
  • Conduct training on confidential information. Give teams the knowledge to understand and protect confidential information. Tell employees when new information is confidential.
  • Know the jurisdiction. Trade secrets fall under state jurisdiction. It’s essential to understand the law to ensure a trade secret is protected in its jurisdiction at all times.
  • Develop a response plan if a breach occurs. Prepare for the worst-case scenario and develop a response plan in advance. Outline steps stakeholders need to take if there is a breach.

Trade secrets vs. patents

Both trade secrets and patents constitute types of intellectual property, but there are some significant differences between the two.

Trade secrets derive their protection from being private. Trade secret protection is indefinite as long as the information is kept confidential and meets the elements that make information a trade secret. No registration is required, nor are there any associated fees. It’s possible to discover or “reverse engineer” a trade secret independently. 

Patents are protected through public disclosure and a legal registration process. They provide 20-year fixed terms for protection. If the information is patented, independent discovery and recreation are not possible.

Alyssa Towns

Alyssa Towns

Alyssa Towns works in communications and change management and is a freelance writer for G2. She mainly writes SaaS, productivity, and career-adjacent content. In her spare time, Alyssa is either enjoying a new restaurant with her husband, playing with her Bengal cats Yeti and Yowie, adventuring outdoors, or reading a book from her TBR list.

Trade Secrets Software

This list shows the top software that mention trade secrets most on G2.

Easy-to-use remote support and access software that lets you securely connect to and monitor desktop-to-desktop, desktop-to-mobile, mobile-to-mobile, or to unattended devices like servers and IoT devices from anywhere.

SurveyMonkey is a leading survey and feedback management solution, trusted by millions of users across more than 300,000 organizations around the world. SurveyMonkey and its AI-powered tools empower organizations of all sizes to deliver world-class experiences for their employees, customers, and stakeholders.

Security Awareness and Compliance Training

Wholesale Suite is the best collection of WooCommerce wholesale extensions to add wholesale features to your store. They give your wholesale customers an amazing experience alongside your normal retail store.

Ivanti Secure offers Always-On VPN and Lockdown Mode for compliance-focused businesses. These features protect all network traffic; from your team’s laptops at home to your corporate network, Ivanti Secure helps reduce the possibility of data loss or leakage. When an end user logs into their laptop using our Always-On VPN, our desktop client automatically makes a secure connection to the Ivanti Connect Secure gateway. Once connected, all traffic from the laptop is sent via a protected tunnel. Furthermore, the end user will remain constantly connected to the tunnel, ensuring that data-in-motion remains secure.

Detect, isolate, and eliminate intrusions across all endpoints using AI, automated incident generation, and unparalleled threat intelligence.

VeraCrypt is a free open source disk encryption software for Windows, Mac OSX and Linux.

Nextcloud offers file sync and share combining the convenience and ease of use of consumer-grade solutions like Dropbox and Google Drive with the security, privacy and control business needs.

PDF SDK provides a robust set of platform-independent PDF libraries that allow developers to develop once, port many times and to quickly and cost-effectively extend the reach of their software to multiple platforms.

Discover, Monitor and Protect your sensitive data wherever it lives and goes: cloud, endpoints, storage or network.

Creating deeper engagement and meaning through impactful visuals and movement, Prezi is a suite of content design, presentation, and video tools that make anyone a more effective communicator.

IPfolio is a catalyst for innovation throughout your IP lifecycle. Powered by Salesforce, IPfolio offers a fully configurable system for creating, prosecuting and commercializing your IP.

Reimagine how your teams work with Zoom Workplace, powered by AI Companion. Streamline communications, improve productivity, optimize in-person time, and increase employee engagement, all with Zoom Workplace. Fueled by AI Companion, included at no additional cost.

1Password remembers your passwords for you — and helps you make them stronger. All your secrets are secure and always available, safe behind the one password that only you know.

Slack brings all your communication together in one place. It’s real-time messaging, archiving and search for modern teams.

Dialpad pushes the limits of Ai. As a pioneer in the space, we built the first Ai-powered customer intelligence platform that now serves as the foundation for all Dialpad products. We also created our own proprietary large language model (LLM), leveraging over six billion minutes of conversational data, to ensure optimal accuracy for features like Ai Recaps automated meeting summaries. Supported by notable investors such as Andreessen Horowitz, Google Ventures, and ICONIQ, Dialpad is a dynamic force in AI technology with a rapidly expanding presence.

The Documentum platform offers an enterprise content management system with the essential capabilities to control all your information content.

Always-on engagement designed for the new event landscape A cutting-edge suite of tools to extend and deepen the in-person and virtual attendee experience, built directly within one of the industry’s leading event marketing and management platforms