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Rise Vision

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TelemetryTV Digital Signage

98 avis

Description du Produit

TelemetryTV est une plateforme d'affichage numérique basée sur le cloud. Les utilisateurs ont la possibilité de concevoir, publier et gérer des affichages numériques, des tableaux de bord, la lecture vidéo, des flux d'applications sociales et des publicités, tous se mettant à jour en temps réel avec un nombre quelconque d'écrans. Il fonctionne avec du matériel grand public comme les Google Chromeboxes, Windows et Intel NUCs.

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Rise Vision Reviews

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Erika O.
Erika O.
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Source de l'avis : Invitation du vendeur
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Premade K-12 digital signage templates!? and separate teacher user accounts!? Count me in!

I love everything about RiseVison.(Our school used to utilize Screencloud, but it was hard to manage, and had lots of issues with our Chromeboxes.) The premade K-12 templates of Rise Vision that integrate our school colors help expedite the process of meeting digital signage deadlines for the numerous daily events and holidays. We have 7 TVs that we frequently use and are up every school day. Plus, THEY MOVE! The templates are pretty, and like gifs, so they move around and make you look at them. Hundreds of templates to work with, weather, lunch menus, crosswords, and everything a school needs. I was glad the integration was easy since they also work with Google Slides, and you can upload images; since we didn't want to recreate the wheel, this was a fast solution to help us not lose the old content from the other platform. Our media specialist has a calm mind when we allow teachers to have their own separate accounts so they can manage their own content without messing up anyone else's work and schedules within the platform. There are numerous ways to do the same thing within the platform so you won't lose what you are currently working on. For example, if you add a new TV, other than leaving and going all the way to the home page, there is a setting you can assign that displays on the same page you were on to whatever users or schedule you want. The digital signage kiosk display boxes we got from them were free with the unlimited accounts license. They were super easy to set up, and I have yet to experience any issues with them; they were really plug-and-play. The training was easy to book, and support always replied in a timely matter. One of them even video chatted with me when we couldn't figure out what setting was wrong on my TV (not even their product), and he spent the time patiently troubleshooting with me, and it ended up being that the HDMI wasn't compatible with the TV itself.
Alan M.
Alan M.
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Source de l'avis : Invitation du vendeur
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Produit merveilleux et encore meilleur support !!!

La meilleure partie de la plateforme Rise vision est la facilité d'utilisation. De la discussion avec les commerciaux à la collaboration avec le support technique, ils rendent tout très facile. Ajoutez à cela la qualité des modèles et la grande variété de plateformes de streaming, et cette plateforme est d'une grande aide.
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Utilisateur actuel vérifié
Source de l'avis : Invitation du vendeur
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Traduit à l'aide de l'IA

Ce programme est un excellent produit pour les petits et grands campus.

Le programme est très facile à mettre en œuvre. Il était déjà sur le campus lorsque j'ai rejoint l'équipe. J'ai pu le comprendre avec facilité.



HQ Location:
Toronto, Ontario, Canada



What is Rise Vision?

Since 199 we have been thinking about how we can help our customers have great looking displays. It’s an obsession we have.Today, our primary focus is education and the over 3,000 schools we currently serve. To deliver on our promise of making sure digital signage isn’t difficult we provide new Templates every week (over 4 5 of them so far) to keep a school’s displays current and engaging for little effort, and we make sure they stay running with greater than 99% uptime.


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