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Rise Vision

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ConnectedSign Digital Signage Platform

13 avis

Description du Produit

Vous permet de gérer facilement les appareils, concevoir vos affichages, télécharger du contenu et intégrer des données en temps réel dans l'ensemble de votre système. Que vous ayez besoin de gérer un affichage ou cent, nous vous facilitons la création de panneaux professionnels.

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Rise Vision Reviews

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Daniel M.
Daniel M.
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Utilisateur actuel vérifié
Source de l'avis : Invitation du vendeur
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Cost-effective, robust digital signage solution

It is powerful and allows us to scale our digital signage at a low price point. The presentations are extremely flexible and can be used to showcase almost anything you put your mind to showing. The platform is fairly easy to use and implement, and if you get stuck, customer support is very helpful and knowledgeable. We have this integrated with our Google Tools and have many screens running every day successfully.
Cameron M.
Cameron M.
Évaluateur validé
Source de l'avis : Invitation du vendeur
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Traduit à l'aide de l'IA

Revue de la communication numérique

J'adore utiliser Rise Vision dans mon lycée à Wichita, Kansas. Nous utilisons le lecteur multimédia Rise Vision connecté aux téléviseurs du couloir pour présenter les événements à venir, des vidéos YouTube mettant en vedette nos athlètes, des annonces, des menus de déjeuner—tout ce que vous pouvez imaginer, et nous pouvons l'afficher. C'est incroyablement facile à utiliser—je l'ai mis en favori dans ma barre de favoris parce que je reçois du contenu quotidiennement, et je peux rapidement l'ajouter à notre liste de lecture. Tout est parfaitement intégré. Ce qui le rend encore meilleur, c'est que nos étudiants conçoivent le contenu, donnant à chaque présentation une touche unique et personnelle. Rise Vision répond à tous nos besoins, est continuellement mis à jour, et leur service client est exceptionnel.
Sheryl A.
Sheryl A.
Évaluateur validé
Utilisateur actuel vérifié
Source de l'avis : Invitation du vendeur
Avis incitatif

Rise Vision is AWESOME!

Our school, De La Salle Collegiate in Warren, MI discovered Rise Vision through discussions with ou4 education technology provider. The initial push into using Rise Vision was spurred after completing a project aimed at creating a history Hall of Fame for their athletics department. The implementation of the android devices was quick and easy. We have a multifaceted approach to our digital displays. We have successfully integrated Rise Vision into various aspects of school life, from athletics to academics to community involvement.We have Rise Vision installed in over 13 places in the school, including every water fountain to keep our students and parents informed everyday! This versatility is showcased by collaboration with the Moms Club, whose numerous events and fundraisers are now prominently featured on the digital displays. Additionally, the admission department's digital display has streamlined communication for prospective students and parents, simplifying the application process and showcasing upcoming events. The ease of managing our digital signage from anywhere has been a powerful tool to be able to keep content fresh. The support from Rise Vision has been fantastic ensuring that any issues are resolved quickly. I highly recommend Rise Vision for your digital signage!



HQ Location:
Toronto, Ontario, Canada



What is Rise Vision?

Since 199 we have been thinking about how we can help our customers have great looking displays. It’s an obsession we have.Today, our primary focus is education and the over 3,000 schools we currently serve. To deliver on our promise of making sure digital signage isn’t difficult we provide new Templates every week (over 4 5 of them so far) to keep a school’s displays current and engaging for little effort, and we make sure they stay running with greater than 99% uptime.


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