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Rise Vision

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TelemetryTV Digital Signage

98 avis

Description du Produit

TelemetryTV est une plateforme d'affichage numérique basée sur le cloud. Les utilisateurs ont la possibilité de concevoir, publier et gérer des affichages numériques, des tableaux de bord, la lecture vidéo, des flux d'applications sociales et des publicités, tous se mettant à jour en temps réel avec un nombre quelconque d'écrans. Il fonctionne avec du matériel grand public comme les Google Chromeboxes, Windows et Intel NUCs.

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Rise Vision Reviews

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Leslie R.
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Source de l'avis : Invitation du vendeur
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Perfect Tool to use in a school!

We are able to post information to our students that is seen on a daily basis with the monitors mounted in our cafeteria. I believe the more they see the info, the more they are retaining. Creating slides is very easy and loading them up is even easier. I also love the prepopulated slides that we can post, like book recommendations and holiday slides.
SungMoon H.
SungMoon H.
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Source de l'avis : Invitation du vendeur
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very user friendly with lots of templates to choose from

I really like how user friendly the system is because its really easy to navigate through and theres many diffrent templates to choose from. thay have almost every event/holiday is available. on top of that, the templates all have animations that are pretty cool. They also have bulit in canva so if theres a style or design that you can't find in their catolog, you can make your own in canva.
Anne-Marie M.
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Source de l'avis : Invitation du vendeur
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Easy, Efficient and Organized

I enjoy using RiseVision for work because it makes posting new content simple and efficient. The platform delivers excellent quality and offers a seamless way to schedule and assign content to various screens. I highly recommend it for large organizations. One feature I particularly appreciate is the ability to organize screens by category, making it easy to locate the specific screens you need and ensure the right content is displayed in the right location.



HQ Location:
Toronto, Ontario, Canada



What is Rise Vision?

Since 199 we have been thinking about how we can help our customers have great looking displays. It’s an obsession we have.Today, our primary focus is education and the over 3,000 schools we currently serve. To deliver on our promise of making sure digital signage isn’t difficult we provide new Templates every week (over 4 5 of them so far) to keep a school’s displays current and engaging for little effort, and we make sure they stay running with greater than 99% uptime.


Année de fondation