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truDigital Signage

52 avis

Description du Produit

truDigital Signage offre une solution complète d'affichage numérique. L'entreprise se concentre sur la fourniture d'une plateforme basée sur le cloud qui crée, gère et distribue du contenu électronique à des réseaux d'écrans numériques qui sont gérés de manière centralisée et adressables pour des informations ciblées, du divertissement, du marchandisage et de la publicité.

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Poppulo Reviews

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Sabrina L.
Sabrina L.
Marketing Graduate at Fujitsu Australia Limited
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Utilisateur actuel vérifié
Source de l'avis : Organique

Poppulo is a great tool to use for internal communications in the company

I enjoy the cloning features of the email. This saves me time in preparing company-wide emails for send as the function easily replicates a previous email, banners included. All I would need to do next is change the body of the email. I also like the review process. This makes sure that all stakeholders will have the chance to review the content before being sent. I also like the help centre - it's very easy to navigate and covers most of the questions that I would usually encounter.
Jaya B.
Jaya B.
Digital Content Experience Publisher at Booz Allen Hamilton
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Utilisateur actuel vérifié
Source de l'avis : Invitation à G2 au nom du vendeur
Avis incitatif
Traduit à l'aide de l'IA

Des fonctionnalités étonnantes qui s'harmonisent bien avec notre système interne.

Les fonctions de glisser-déposer, vous pouvez personnaliser si les options par défaut sont requises. J'aime aussi la nouvelle fonctionnalité de l'éditeur de photos. C'est vraiment utile.
Zalak M.
Zalak M.
Lead, Corporate Communications | Tata Motors
Évaluateur validé
Source de l'avis : Invitation à G2 au nom du vendeur
Avis incitatif

Great experience, 5 years and counting with poppulo, have taken it across organisations

Schedule option definitely helps along with cloning, saves a lot of time and helps plan in advance.



HQ Location:
Denver, US



What is Poppulo?

At Poppulo, people are at the heart of everything we do. In fact, the word Poppulo is Latin for people. Since 1996, we've been obsessed with helping our customers build connections with their most important audiences—their customers and their employees. Why? Because we hold a firm belief that effective communications are not just a business need. They are a human need too. That’s why we build solutions for businesses that are designed to help the people at the core of every company. It’s our vision to create a more informed, inspired, and connected world. Along the way, our desire to help customers solve their biggest challenges has led us to combine with like-minded companies, Four Winds Interactive and SmartSpace. Our mission is to empower customers to deliver communications and workplace experiences that drive results.
