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Flipnode LLC

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113 avis

Description du Produit

PinToMind est un logiciel d'affichage dynamique convivial, disponible directement depuis votre navigateur par connexion – une manière intelligente et facile de gérer et d'afficher du contenu sur des écrans d'information. En Norvège, où tout a commencé, PinToMind s'appelle "Infoskjermen".

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Flipnode LLC Reviews

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Dustin J.
Dustin J.
Communications Director
Évaluateur validé
Utilisateur actuel vérifié
Source de l'avis : Organique
Traduit à l'aide de l'IA

Super produit pour les télévisions d'annonce dans les halls d'église.

C'est vraiment facile à utiliser. L'interface utilisateur (UI) est bien faite et il est facile d'apprendre à n'importe qui à l'utiliser. Je vais travailler avec environ 40 utilisateurs qui auront chacun la gestion d'un certain écran. Ils peuvent le comprendre par eux-mêmes avec tous les documents d'aide et les vidéos de Yodeck. Leur chatbot IA est phénoménal !
Peter W.
Peter W.
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Utilisateur actuel vérifié
Source de l'avis : Organique

Brillant, affordable screen software

I have used many different Digital screen Cloud based solutions, yodeck was the easiest to set up. I used a google tv with the app on it and after several months has been one of the most stable apps i have used. The intergrations are all great. The ability to start on a free tier was perfect to be able to test it out as a solution whether temporary before upgrading or as a permanent solution. Reccommend Highly!
Renee S.
Renee S.
Évaluateur validé
Utilisateur actuel vérifié
Source de l'avis : Organique

Simple, User Friendly, Effective

We use Yodeck to communicate internally with our team members. It's quite easy to upload new items and share to our three screens from a remote area. I like being able to make changes in seconds. I mainly use the media feature, but I really like how quickly I can make needed updates.



HQ Location:
San Francisco, CA



What is Flipnode LLC?

One platform. Endless possibilities. Purpose-built to help you find new and better ways of communicating with your audience, Yodeck is sleek, stress-free digital signage software for teams who want to start getting more from their digital screens, today.From start to finish, Yodeck makes it easy for you to create interesting, dynamic digital content that resonates with your audience:Create and deliver your best-ever content, in minutes. Tap into a huge library of industry-specific, customizable templates and apps that transform your digital screens into an information hub that keeps your audience engaged, informed, and up to date.Manage your content with total confidence. Easily change, update, and refresh your content at any time directly from a secure, user-friendly digital signage platform. Gain access to tools and resources that simplify everything. Discover the freedom to communicate with a style and schedule that works best for you and your audience. Explore a solution that will change the way you think about digital signage, and what it can do for your organization.


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