HelpWire est une application de support à distance et de diagnostic.
USB sur logiciel réseau - Accédez aux périphériques USB distants de n'importe où FlexiHub vous permet de configurer facilement une connexion USB sur réseau afin de relier des ordinateurs situés à distance avec des périphériques USB connectés à une machine locale.
USB Network Gate est la solution parfaite dans les cas où vous devez travailler avec un périphérique USB, mais ne pouvez pas le connecter directement à votre machine locale. Il vous aidera également à accéder et à gérer les périphériques USB locaux dans une session virtuelle. Tout ce qui est nécessaire est d'installer USB Network Gate sur un ordinateur avec un périphérique USB physiquement connecté (serveur) et sur l'ordinateur où vous souhaitez utiliser le périphérique USB distant (client).
Elmedia Player est un logiciel de lecteur multimédia polyvalent pour macOS qui permet aux utilisateurs de lire une large gamme de formats audio et vidéo. Il offre un ensemble complet de fonctionnalités et une interface conviviale, ce qui en fait un choix populaire parmi les utilisateurs de Mac. L'une des caractéristiques remarquables d'Elmedia Player est sa capacité à gérer divers formats multimédias, y compris MP4, AVI, MOV, MKV, FLAC, MP3.
Obtenez un assistant puissant qui vous aidera à suivre et à tester les performances des sites web de vos clients dans divers navigateurs, versions de navigateurs et plateformes.
MacDroid is a versatile and efficient solution for transferring files between your Mac and Android devices. It supports both USB and Wi-Fi connections (starting from version 2.0), allowing you to seamlessly move not only files of any type but also the entire folders to Mac from Android as well as from Android to Mac. There's no need to install additional apps on your Android device - simply connect it to your Mac, provide necessary permissions, and MacDroid grants you full access to both the internal storage and SD card of your Android device. With MacDroid, you can transfer any type of file. Images can be transferred to and from default folders like DCIM, Downloads, Screenshots, or any custom folder you've created. Videos can be moved between folders such as Camera, Downloads, Movies, or any folder of your choice. Music files can be transferred to and from default Music folders or any custom locations you've organized on your device. The app also supports managing Android files directly on your Mac. You can create, delete, duplicate, or rename folders and files without copying them to your Mac first. This functionality ensures that you can efficiently organize and edit files across your devices without unnecessary steps. In addition to Android devices, MacDroid fully supports MTP devices, enabling file transfer between Mac and digital cameras, portable media players, and other gadgets that use the MTP protocol. This broad compatibility makes MacDroid an essential tool for managing files across a wide range of devices.
Our company was founded in 001 and has worked ever since to deliver software solutions across the world. It ranges from self-contained home applications to full SDKs for commercial use.USB Network Gate, Donglify, and FlexiHub are our solutions for port virtualization and network passthrough. FlexiHub in particular can handle serial ports in addition to USB, and share devices over the Internet without the need to host a server. The other port-related apps - Serial to Ethernet Connector, Virtual Serial Port Driver, and Serial Port Monitor - form a unique suite of tools for COM port management on a local network.When it comes to file management, Electronic Team, Inc. has four distinct applications. CloudMounter and MacDroid allow users to browse their cloud and MTP storage locally. Commander One is a versatile file manager that integrates the functionality of both of these apps. There’s also Folx, an advanced download manager.The media app category includes three solutions. Elmedia Player is a powerful, universal player, while JustStream and DoCast handle streaming to Smart TVs and streaming devices from macOS and iOS respectively.Frequent updates and customer support are a high priority for Electronic Team, Inc. with an emphasis on user satisfaction.