Trouvez facilement des intérêts cachés qui peuvent rendre vos publicités Facebook plus efficaces. Vous pouvez atteindre des audiences pertinentes à des coûts de CPA inférieurs, ce qui peut générer d'énormes profits dans les affaires.
They do have a good infrastructure, saw some results but haven't put it to test.
I got on their website & took a $1 plan to check it out, I'm window shopping & shortly will need it for an upcoming store. They charged me for a month, I immediately unsubscribed, asked them for a refund. Their attitude sucked totally and that shows you're really not owning a confident product. You had to rob people of the money, this is what you end up doing to genuine customers. Once this attitude is seen, doesn't matter whether you're a good platform or not (which I still have to test) ... will never again get on your platform.
And now that I had unsubscribed, they had mymoney, and this is a pre-paid service; so this mean my money is gone, no service now & also they are least bothered on responding faster; coz they got the money, that's all that mattered. Pathetic business attitude!
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