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Arslaan M.
Sheron P.
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Work-life balance varies depending on which contract you work on weak yearly salary percentage adjustments. at times, the company does not value input from people speaking about a topic outside their formal job. for example, if a software developer gives really good input regarding a proposal, it often gets dismissed because the software developer isn't a proposal writer. or if a business analyst gives really helpful input about technical design, it gets dismissed because they aren't engineers. the company is still growing and having challenges all the time in the highly competitive industry. however, which also means the employees have the chance to grow with the company. a leadership hire was made in the summer, which changed the culture for the worse. the company went from a family-oriented and flexible workplace to more recently a workplace that has resulted in employees constantly being in a placed defensive posture in response a mercurial and unpredictable client. currently, a significant percentage of their consultants are supporting a difficult client which has resulted in the loss of talented and capable consultants. pyramid is a small company that has failed to evolve and recognize that its employees should be treated as their most valued assets. i would not recommend working at pyramid until there is a major change in the current leadership, don't be swayed by the fictitious best employer rewards and the previous reviews. which may paint a much more rosy picture. in a nutshell, i hope working at this company is not your only option.