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Avis et détails du produit de Dropbox

Producer and Artist
Petite entreprise(50 employés ou moins)
Évaluateur validé
Utilisateur actuel vérifié
Source de l'avis : Invitation à G2 au nom du vendeur
Avis incitatif
Qu'aimez-vous le plus à propos de Dropbox?

There's no cloud storage offering that's easier to use or works as seamlessly with more devices than Dropbox, and it's priced competitively so choosing Dropbox over other services is truly a no brainer.

Automatic desktop folder syncing across all devices, affordable storage, a fast interface, and plenty of features. Avis collecté par et hébergé sur G2.com.

Que n’aimez-vous pas à propos de Dropbox?

Honestly I think of many things, especially when comparing it to the negatives of the competitors. I do wish sharing was a bit more intuitive at times but I also realize that the options your given for folder control here are far superior thus require a bit more input from the creator of the file up front. Avis collecté par et hébergé sur G2.com.

Quels sont les problèmes que Dropbox résout, et en quoi cela vous est-il bénéfique?

It allows our team to easi share files as they go through the creative assembly line during production, making collaboration easier and faster for us than other more traditional methods like email, etc. Avis collecté par et hébergé sur G2.com.

Présentation de Dropbox

Qu'est-ce que Dropbox?

Dropbox est l'endroit unique pour garder la vie organisée et faire avancer le travail. Avec plus de 700 millions d'utilisateurs enregistrés dans environ 180 pays, nous avons pour mission de concevoir une manière plus éclairée de travailler. Travaillez efficacement avec des coéquipiers et des clients, restez synchronisé sur les projets et gardez les données de l'entreprise en sécurité—tout en un seul endroit. • Organisation simple : Gardez tous vos fichiers en un seul endroit et organisez-les comme vous le souhaitez, tout en utilisant vos outils préférés. • Accès à tout moment : Accédez à vos fichiers et photos où et quand vous en avez besoin—sur ordinateur de bureau, mobile ou web. • Partage facilité : Peu importe la taille, Dropbox vous permet de partager n'importe quel fichier avec n'importe qui avec juste un lien. • Stockez votre contenu en toute sécurité : Protection avancée des données et chiffrement de bout en bout qui sauvegardent et protègent vos données, vous donnant le contrôle sur la façon dont vos données sont sécurisées afin que vous puissiez respecter les normes de conformité et de confidentialité.

Détails de Dropbox
Site Web du produit
Langues prises en charge
Danish, German, English, French, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Malay, Dutch, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Swedish, Thai, Ukrainian, Chinese (Simplified)
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Description du produit

Dropbox vous permet de sauvegarder et d'accéder à tous vos fichiers et photos en un seul endroit organisé, et de les partager avec n'importe qui. Que vous dirigiez une petite entreprise ou une grande équipe complexe, Dropbox aide votre travail à mieux circuler.

Comment vous positionnez-vous par rapport à vos concurrents?

www.dropbox.com/overview pour en savoir plus

Détails du vendeur
Site Web de l'entreprise
Année de fondation
Emplacement du siège social
San Francisco, California
3,639,417 abonnés Twitter
Page LinkedIn®
3,598 employés sur LinkedIn®

Dropbox is the world’s first smart workspace that helps people and teams focus on the work that matters. With more than 600 million registered users across 180 countries, we’re on a mission to design a more enlightened way of working. Dropbox is headquartered in San Francisco, CA, and has 12 offices around the world.

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Avis récents sur Dropbox

Utilisateur vérifié
Utilisateur vérifiéPetite entreprise (50 employés ou moins)
5.0 sur 5
"Dropbox Is Super Easy to Use!"
Dropbox has been a frequent place I've used for storage and sharing files with clients. There's a lot of cool features within the program that help...
Alexander M.
Alexander M.Petite entreprise (50 employés ou moins)
5.0 sur 5
"Seamless Sharing"
Syncs extremely well with all of my devices.
Aswath P.
Aswath P.Marché intermédiaire (51-1000 employés)
5.0 sur 5
"Seamless and Secure File Management with Offline Access"
This system allows access to files even without an internet connection, which is incredibly useful when working offline. Its user-friendly interfac...
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Média de Dropbox

Démo de Dropbox - Action Bar
The action bar sits across your browser page to let you quickly record your screen, edit PDFs, upload files, create folders, get signatures, or send and track documents
Démo de Dropbox - End-to-End Encryption
Dropbox makes it easy to safeguard data with seamless end-to-end encryption integrated into team folders which eliminates the need for additional software subscriptions.
Démo de Dropbox - Mobile Access
Use the Dropbox app on Android, iOS, and Windows
Démo de Dropbox - Dropbox Replay
Dropbox Replay lets you and your collaborators leave frame-accurate feedback and markups directly on project files
Démo de Dropbox - PDF Editing
Dropbox makes it easy to upload, edit, send, and sign PDFs in one place.
Démo de Dropbox - Dropbox integrations with Microsoft 365
Dropbox integrates with Microsoft lets you search, preview, upload, and share content stored in Dropbox without leaving Microsoft 365.
Lancer la vidéo de Dropbox
Find out what teams can do with Dropbox Teams.  Discover the power of organizing files, sharing content easily, and protecting your work—all in one place.
Lancer la vidéo de Dropbox
Find out what teams can do with Dropbox Teams. Discover the power of organizing files, sharing content easily, and protecting your work—all in one place.

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28,906 sur 28,907 Avis au total pour Dropbox
4.4 sur 5
28,906 sur 28,907 Avis au total pour Dropbox
4.4 sur 5

Dropbox Avantages et Inconvénients

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Les avantages et les inconvénients sont compilés à partir des commentaires et regroupés par thèmes pour fournir un résumé facile à comprendre des avis des utilisateurs.

Sentiment de l'avis global pour DropboxQuestion

Temps de mise en œuvre
moins d'un jour
plus de 12 mois
Retour sur investissement
moins de 6 mois
48+ mois
Facilité d'installation
0 (Difficile)
10 (Facile)
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Les avis G2 sont authentiques et vérifiés.
Petite entreprise(50 employés ou moins)
Évaluateur validé
Utilisateur actuel vérifié
Source de l'avis : Organique
Traduit à l'aide de l'IA
(Original )Information
Qu'aimez-vous le plus à propos de Dropbox?

J'adore la facilité avec laquelle on peut trouver TOUT-- très rapidement. Tous les dossiers de nos clients remontant à des années sont facilement accessibles, partageables, et toujours là. Et vous pouvez contrôler la partageabilité et la révoquer si nécessaire lorsque les projets se terminent. Avis collecté par et hébergé sur G2.com.

Que n’aimez-vous pas à propos de Dropbox?

Je n'aime pas qu'il n'y ait toujours pas d'intégration complète avec Dropbox Paper. La structure des dossiers de Paper est entièrement séparée de Dropbox, ce qui fait que les documents créés dans Paper ne peuvent pas être stockés dans des dossiers de projet -- il faudrait que les clients regardent à deux endroits différents pour les documents pertinents. Avis collecté par et hébergé sur G2.com.

Quels sont les problèmes que Dropbox résout, et en quoi cela vous est-il bénéfique?

Nous n'avons plus besoin de joindre des choses aux e-mails et d'avoir plusieurs versions de documents échangées avec les clients et les entrepreneurs. Et nous n'avons pas à nous soucier de l'envoi de fichiers volumineux. Tout est là et téléchargeable depuis Dropbox. Avis collecté par et hébergé sur G2.com.

Christine P.
Travel News Writer
Petite entreprise(50 employés ou moins)
Évaluateur validé
Utilisateur actuel vérifié
Source de l'avis : Invitation à G2 au nom du vendeur
Qu'aimez-vous le plus à propos de Dropbox?

I have had three major wipeouts of data on my computer since I got my first laptop, and it has been extremely frustrating and often very sad - I lost a wedding video of my friend that I was working on, and I will never get it back for them. One time, I lost all of my data, as it was beyond repair, and the other two times, I got some of it back but lost several crucial files. But either way, this is something that nobody should experience. Therefore, I got Dropbox several years ago as a safe back up method. I love that everything on my computer automatically syncs, so I don't need to worry about doing anything manually. I also love that I can make files online-only - this saves me so much space on my actual computer. I do a lot of photo editing, and the Lightroom and PhotoShop programs and backups take up an enormous amount of space, and my RAW photo files are each around 30 MBs - so it is great that I can make older files online-only and don't need to worry about constantly deleting things from my computer. I have the 3TB package and that is more than enough space for me at the moment. Avis collecté par et hébergé sur G2.com.

Que n’aimez-vous pas à propos de Dropbox?

It is very expensive, especially when you add features, like the 2TB add-on I just purchased. Avis collecté par et hébergé sur G2.com.

Quels sont les problèmes que Dropbox résout, et en quoi cela vous est-il bénéfique?

It is solving the main problem of losing all of my files, collected over several years, when my computer crashes. Avis collecté par et hébergé sur G2.com.

Proprietor, Creative Goose
Petite entreprise(50 employés ou moins)
Évaluateur validé
Utilisateur actuel vérifié
Source de l'avis : Invitation à G2 au nom du vendeur
Qu'aimez-vous le plus à propos de Dropbox?

The software integrates well with Mac OS. Solves a variety of problems for users, such as sharing files in work groups and transferring files too large for email Avis collecté par et hébergé sur G2.com.

Que n’aimez-vous pas à propos de Dropbox?

Free account is too small. I am routinely over-filled. There used to be free options to upgrade that, but not for years. Now, the least-expensive plan to join is over $100/year, and I have not felt like buying that.

I also resent that DropBox attempts to automatically backup media from all disks attached to the Mac. And, I resent that DropBox attempts to automaticaly "back up" all the photos on any camera or card that I attach with photos -- it does this silently and automatically, which results in accounts filling up. Most Mac users are already using Apple Photos; this creates an awkward redundancy that can be difficult to resolve. Avis collecté par et hébergé sur G2.com.

Quels sont les problèmes que Dropbox résout, et en quoi cela vous est-il bénéfique?

1) Sync files for small work groups. How to share among geographically dispersed groups of employees. 2) Large email attachments, solved. 3) automatic backup target for my hosted databases, providing automated 3rd-party backup Avis collecté par et hébergé sur G2.com.

Michael J M.
IT Manager
Information Technology and Services
Petite entreprise(50 employés ou moins)
Évaluateur validé
Utilisateur actuel vérifié
Source de l'avis : Invitation à G2 au nom du vendeur
Qu'aimez-vous le plus à propos de Dropbox?

Dropbox is easy to use, easy to get started with, and makes cloud storage accessible. It's been this way for years - even when cloud storage was a very complicated thing for most to wrap their minds around. My favorite features are how it makes it easy to share a link with others, and how it's pretty easy to understand what caches/syncs locally on your device and what doesn't.

I had a free/personal Dropbox account for many years. I primarily used it to shared files with friends and those who I had done photography for. Dropbox is super accessible to people with most levels of IT knowledge, so even though Google Drive and OneDrive exist, Dropbox has worked the best for me over a diverse amount of users, customers, friends, with different operating systems and devices.

A few years ago, I changed my workflow with incredibly imporant data - my music collection. As a DJ for 25 years, the first 20 were spent carrying duplicate external hard drives - primary and duplicate. After 20 years, I moved everything to Dropbox - DJ application settings, archive, and music files were finally synced locally, along with the help of some symbolic links in MacOS. GAME CHANGER. I could have used OneDrive or Google Drive, but I trust Dropbox to handle my collection and be reliable. Avis collecté par et hébergé sur G2.com.

Que n’aimez-vous pas à propos de Dropbox?

Dropbox has tried to push out a lot of new features - File requests, Signatures, Send and Track, etc. There are all great features, but tend to clutter up the interface. I don't like having to see a "Free signatures for up to 3 documents per month with Dropbox Sign' banner every time I log in.

Could I use these features? I could probably see a use case for them with my clients, yes. Have I used them? No, primarily because I don't know enough about what it looks like on the receiving end and I'm not sure if I could help someone step through it if I had to.

I used to have syncing issues with Dropbox, but those disappeared years ago. It's been a while since a sync issue has mucked something up. Biggest recurring issues I've had is when Dropbox is syncing/active, it may cause lag in systems utilizing files in those folder, so when I'm DJing, I need to Quit/Exit Dropbox to ensure there is no loading/caching/syncing/index lag.

Unfortunately, Dropbox dropped support for SymLinks/symbolic links so I'm not sure how much longer the main reason I subscribe to Dropbox will be available. For those unfamilair, symbolic links allow me to 'redirect' a folder that is on the local hard drive. So I have certain files that only can be local, but that folder acts as a 'portal' that sends to the Dropbox location, so it's synced. This is the ONE KILLER feature that I have and without it I'd likely move everything to OneDrive and my own NAS for backup/sync. Avis collecté par et hébergé sur G2.com.

Quels sont les problèmes que Dropbox résout, et en quoi cela vous est-il bénéfique?

Dropbox is very accesible for most users on most operating systems. One of the main purposes I use Dropbox for is to send links to folders of photos/videos I've shot/edited for others. Avis collecté par et hébergé sur G2.com.

Data Entry Specialist
Petite entreprise(50 employés ou moins)
Évaluateur validé
Utilisateur actuel vérifié
Source de l'avis : Invitation à G2 au nom du vendeur
Avis incitatif
Qu'aimez-vous le plus à propos de Dropbox?

I love that I can access my files from anywhere, whether through the official apps or the web browser. I also love that I can save files directly from my smartphone using the Share feature in my mobile web browser without having to open the app. The service is super affordable for the plan that I'm subscribed to, and it offers plenty of storage space for all your files. Avis collecté par et hébergé sur G2.com.

Que n’aimez-vous pas à propos de Dropbox?

I don't like that they had to discontinue their Vault service as I found it extremely helpful to secure important files while still being able to access them from anywhere. I have yet to find a service similar to this. Avis collecté par et hébergé sur G2.com.

Quels sont les problèmes que Dropbox résout, et en quoi cela vous est-il bénéfique?

I don't have to access multiple locations to get the files I need when I need them. I can save them to Dropbox and access them from anywhere and share files with people even if they don't have a Dropbox account. Avis collecté par et hébergé sur G2.com.

John S.
Owner & photographer
Petite entreprise(50 employés ou moins)
Évaluateur validé
Utilisateur actuel vérifié
Source de l'avis : Invitation à G2 au nom du vendeur
Avis incitatif
Qu'aimez-vous le plus à propos de Dropbox?

I like that I am able to create many folders containing photographs for my clients to access. In the past this system has worked nicely. Avis collecté par et hébergé sur G2.com.

Que n’aimez-vous pas à propos de Dropbox?

I have been a Dropbox user for at least 15 years and it was my preffered way of sharing large file photographs for my clients. However, recently one of the functions stopped working, the simple method of sharing the folders with my clients. When I contacted support they asked me to download some program that I need to set up and record some internal function and then send the file to them. I studied the instructions and determined this was way to technical for me to perform and would take up too much of my time. Basically, they are asking me to trouble shoot the problem. I had always thought it was the role of the tech company to troubleshoot an issue and not ask the client to figure it out.

I have repeatably informed Dropbox technical staff that I am unable to do this and asked if they are able to screen share and perform the troubleshooting themselves. The response is yes, but not in the elevated department in which my case has been turned over to. This higher level support is not able to screen share. I replied, asking to have my case turned back over to the support team that can help but they have not done so. I keep asking to have this fixed and the person handling the case keeps replying that they are unable to screen share. This person does not acknowledge my request to turn it over to the support that can do this. They just keep replying with the instructions to carry out the dowload of the program and how to internally record the functions of Dropbox and to send them the file.

I am losing patience with the obvious decline of support that Dropbox supplies. It is like I am in an alternate universe in which the recipient of my messages does not understand English and repeatably ignors my requests. Like a robot they just keep replying with the samemessage, I just don't get it. This is how a client for many years is treated? Avis collecté par et hébergé sur G2.com.

Quels sont les problèmes que Dropbox résout, et en quoi cela vous est-il bénéfique?

Access to high resolution photographs that I shoot for my clients Avis collecté par et hébergé sur G2.com.

President, Owner
Petite entreprise(50 employés ou moins)
Évaluateur validé
Utilisateur actuel vérifié
Source de l'avis : Invitation à G2 au nom du vendeur
Avis incitatif
Qu'aimez-vous le plus à propos de Dropbox?

I am now doing weekly backup of my laptop and desktop to Dropbox, rather than figure out how to have backup copies off site. The update of the backup files (150 Gb) occurs during idle times or during the night. I also like how all my files are available anywhere on any computer. I logged in from my accountant's office to provide a document they requested. Easy peasy. Avis collecté par et hébergé sur G2.com.

Que n’aimez-vous pas à propos de Dropbox?

There is a short time delay between saving a file and it being available on another computer. This is only a problem when I am using my laptop and am logged in to my desktop (as a printer server). Overall this is far superior over OneDrive. Avis collecté par et hébergé sur G2.com.

Quels sont les problèmes que Dropbox résout, et en quoi cela vous est-il bénéfique?

The updates are silent and never impede local software performance. Transfer of large files from my compuiters to the Dropbox cloud (like backups and .zip files of photographs) are also seamlessly transferred. There are no more error messages, no more work-arounds, no more freezes. Avis collecté par et hébergé sur G2.com.

Kitty B.
Novelist, Book Coach and Self-Publishing Coach, Podcaster
Petite entreprise(50 employés ou moins)
Évaluateur validé
Utilisateur actuel vérifié
Source de l'avis : Invitation à G2 au nom du vendeur
Avis incitatif
Qu'aimez-vous le plus à propos de Dropbox?

Dropbox has saved me on mulitple occasions over the years! Files lost or corrupted, files on a now-dead hard drive, and more often -- keeping me from overwriting an old file thinking it's the new file and then losing the work I'd done before. Now I never have to worry about whether I have the latest work, and I'm not emailing myself multiple times and saving on multiple flash drives. Work is easier and I'm calmer. Avis collecté par et hébergé sur G2.com.

Que n’aimez-vous pas à propos de Dropbox?

Because I save *everything* to Dropbox, I often have to unsync folders from my computer(s) in order to free up space, especially due to media files. Then later I have to re-download a file, then remove it again when I'm done. I haven't figured out a better way to have easy access to all of my work and still have all of it safely backed up on Dropbox. If there is a better way, I simply don't know about it. But it's still easier and better than any option I've tried in the past. Avis collecté par et hébergé sur G2.com.

Quels sont les problèmes que Dropbox résout, et en quoi cela vous est-il bénéfique?

There are only two choices in the dropdown menu above and I don't use either of them. I'm a sole proprietor and don't collaborate with anyone, but I do use the files on different computers...so I "collaborate" in that way. I don't know anything about using Dropbox for video editing but I'd like to!! Avis collecté par et hébergé sur G2.com.

Enzo D.
Teaching Assistant
Marché intermédiaire(51-1000 employés)
Évaluateur validé
Utilisateur actuel vérifié
Source de l'avis : Invitation à G2 au nom du vendeur
Avis incitatif
Qu'aimez-vous le plus à propos de Dropbox?

I have had a great experience with Dropbox so far as a Dropbox Plus user. It is very easy to sync files and the fact that you can easily get and transfer your files from and to other devices is extremely practical. The software is also quite light on CPU usage, which is a big plus. When it comes to collaboative use, it's also very useful to be able to keep shared files and folders updated, as well as to create sharing links for individual files. Avis collecté par et hébergé sur G2.com.

Que n’aimez-vous pas à propos de Dropbox?

In some rare cases, syncing should really be quicker, as it sometimes takes dozen of minutes to sync big files. There are also a few instances where I had to manually end the Dropbox process because it was not syncing properly and prevented me from deleting folders or files. Avis collecté par et hébergé sur G2.com.

Quels sont les problèmes que Dropbox résout, et en quoi cela vous est-il bénéfique?

Dropbox enables me to have files synced across all my devices and share them easily with friends, family or coworkers. Avis collecté par et hébergé sur G2.com.

Sebastian E.
Chief Design Officer
Petite entreprise(50 employés ou moins)
Évaluateur validé
Utilisateur actuel vérifié
Source de l'avis : Invitation à G2 au nom du vendeur
Avis incitatif
Qu'aimez-vous le plus à propos de Dropbox?

The easy way you can work sharing files you are working, and having the most recent changes, for example for design blueprints, this make our work more productive and organize since we don't have way too much files that we can get confuse about which one is the most recent one, sharing design books so easy access everywhere, really helps a lot. Avis collecté par et hébergé sur G2.com.

Que n’aimez-vous pas à propos de Dropbox?

One thing I dislike is how sharing folders work, would like a way (unless I miss it) that can be access by a password, lets say if you want to share something private that only that password could let you in, more than a dislike I guess is a suggestion Avis collecté par et hébergé sur G2.com.

Quels sont les problèmes que Dropbox résout, et en quoi cela vous est-il bénéfique?

Solves the main purpose it's needed having an easy way to access files everywhere, that makes me not need to carry hard drives and since I travel a lot makes me easy having all my files for work where I need them Avis collecté par et hébergé sur G2.com.