Lors de l'évaluation des deux solutions, les examinateurs ont trouvé Zinrelo Loyalty Rewards Platform plus facile à utiliser, à configurer et à administrer. Les examinateurs ont également préféré faire des affaires avec Zinrelo Loyalty Rewards Platform dans l'ensemble.
Plateforme solide. Équipe de support compétente.
It's difficult to get specialized attention from Purple, even as a large enterprise. I find that most of my questions lead back to the same answer: "Contact our support team". As the point of contact for a large team suffering from consistent issues within...
I enjoy the simplicity of it on the admin side. It helps with customer retention as well.
The source code is somewhat outdated, but it is still easy to understand. I'm wanting to make my own version of the program because things keep breaking.
Plateforme solide. Équipe de support compétente.
I enjoy the simplicity of it on the admin side. It helps with customer retention as well.
It's difficult to get specialized attention from Purple, even as a large enterprise. I find that most of my questions lead back to the same answer: "Contact our support team". As the point of contact for a large team suffering from consistent issues within...
The source code is somewhat outdated, but it is still easy to understand. I'm wanting to make my own version of the program because things keep breaking.