The Support arround the product. From the very beginning, our account manager and the technical contact person looked after us very well. Problems were quickly addressed and also quickly resolved. We had a lot of sessions with Perimeter, to discuss...
En tant que MSP, nous avons besoin d'une assistance rapide pour garantir que nos clients restent en avance sur les problèmes. Il y a 4 mois, j'ai chargé mon équipe partenaire de contacter le support P81 et de faire rétrograder notre compte au niveau de...
I like how easy it is for me to log on from my computer.
We don't get any error or pop if someone else is using the profile. If Pritunl adds this functionality, then this will be the best in the market.
The Support arround the product. From the very beginning, our account manager and the technical contact person looked after us very well. Problems were quickly addressed and also quickly resolved. We had a lot of sessions with Perimeter, to discuss...
I like how easy it is for me to log on from my computer.
En tant que MSP, nous avons besoin d'une assistance rapide pour garantir que nos clients restent en avance sur les problèmes. Il y a 4 mois, j'ai chargé mon équipe partenaire de contacter le support P81 et de faire rétrograder notre compte au niveau de...
We don't get any error or pop if someone else is using the profile. If Pritunl adds this functionality, then this will be the best in the market.