Lors de l'évaluation des deux solutions, les examinateurs ont trouvé Asset Bank plus facile à utiliser. Cependant, les examinateurs ont préféré la facilité d'administration avec NetX | DAM. Les examinateurs ont estimé que les produits sont tout aussi faciles à mettre en place, et les deux fournisseurs facilitent de manière égale la conclusion des transactions commerciales dans l'ensemble.
Convivial, facile à naviguer et à rechercher, excellentes options de partage, design facilement personnalisable, mises à jour en temps opportun, support client efficace et professionnel
The site seems to be built on older web architecture rather than the dynamic, responsive HTML5/CSS/PHP features so frequent page reloads are required etc. Also, there is inflexibility in how to view images when browsing, especially missing the ability to...
I liked the ease of batch processing in NetX. I could append descriptive metadata to hundreds of assets at once as well as add/move them to a new category easily. Creating PDFs and sharing zip files are also handy features in addition to saving multiple...
Filenames should be visible across the board
Convivial, facile à naviguer et à rechercher, excellentes options de partage, design facilement personnalisable, mises à jour en temps opportun, support client efficace et professionnel
I liked the ease of batch processing in NetX. I could append descriptive metadata to hundreds of assets at once as well as add/move them to a new category easily. Creating PDFs and sharing zip files are also handy features in addition to saving multiple...
The site seems to be built on older web architecture rather than the dynamic, responsive HTML5/CSS/PHP features so frequent page reloads are required etc. Also, there is inflexibility in how to view images when browsing, especially missing the ability to...
Filenames should be visible across the board