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Automatización de Cuentas por Pagar

7 de Julio de 2020
Clara F.
por Clara Flaherty
Las empresas utilizan software de automatización de cuentas por pagar (AP) para gestionar grandes volúmenes de facturas y transacciones financieras entre una empresa y sus proveedores. Esta página es un lugar para todas las discusiones relacionadas con la automatización de cuentas por pagar.

Discusiones Populares sobre Accounts Payable Automation Software Questions
If Billy were to evolve, he would be able to read the base price on invoices then the tax or shipping fees and assign those G/L codes as well. Also, I noticed that if an invoice has a (-) or letters in the middle of the number, Billy won't pick up the invoice number correctly. That would be... Leer más
Does Airbase support international bill payments? We are working with many vendors globally and would require to pay some in either USD or in their local currency.
We have clients that are charged differently based on a contract. They are charged based on portfolio size, they have a based rate and incentive rate. We are not sure how to properly forecast these in conjunction with portfolio size when the portfolio is not in Intacct, but reported on from a... Leer más