La solución de TeachTown para la Transición a la Adultez fue construida en torno a prácticas basadas en evidencia para satisfacer las necesidades de individuos con trastorno del espectro autista, discapacidades intelectuales y discapacidades del desarrollo a medida que comienzan la planificación de la transición.
Estudiantes valiosos habilidades de bienestar para promover la salud y el bienestar general.
Our suite of special education curriculum software offers students with moderate to severe disabilities equitable and inclusive access to the general education curriculum and the individualized interventions that support their success. As special educators, we all have the same goal: providing our students with comprehensive learning opportunities that pave the way for educational and personal success. To that end, our award-winning adapted core curriculum solutions and supporting interventions deliver a whole-child approach. We help you measurably improve your students’ academic, behavioral, and adaptive skills – from Pre-K through the transition years.