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Andrew F.
Andrew F.
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Fuente de la revisión: Invitación de Vendedor
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Superhuman Sets the Benchmark for All Apps — Not Just Email

Superhuman is the first email client I've used that feels like it's designed for a modern email experience. It's extremely fast & responsive, the user experience is fantastic, and the support is bar none. I was hestiant as first due to the cost, but it totally makes sense once you use it. I personally have never been a fan of email (mostly use Slack for internal comms) but found myself needing better email organization and this is it. There is a ton of features that are worth noting, but a few that I love are: One-click unsubscribe & trash emails (no need to follow a link to unsub) Auto blocking for anything you can't unsub. Split inboxes are great (previous client used a similar idea, but not as well implemented) Read receitps are pretty handy Lots of easy shortcuts (and a fun game to learn them) Calender integration Haven't tried Snippets yet, but that is something I'll definitely implement to make writing and responding faster. Search is killer and quick, way faster than any other client I've used. The onboaridng process is amazing. They drip-feed you daily emails about the most used/best features and it's a great way to learn them as you go.
Alexandr B.
Alexandr B.
Project Manager
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Fuente de la revisión: Invitación de Vendedor
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Traducido Usando IA

Mi aplicación de correo electrónico favorita

Gestión de correo electrónico y funciones de IA que simplifican mis tareas diarias.
Kath B.
Kath B.
Experienced Executive Assistant | Customer Service Specialist | Expertise in Communication, Client Support, & Leadership Assistance
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Fuente de la revisión: Reseña Orgánica de Perfil de Usuario
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Ahorra tiempo y sé más productivo con Superhuman.

Superhuman tiene numerosas características que te permiten ahorrar tiempo y ser más productivo. Superhuman está lleno de funciones que ahorran tiempo y aumentan la productividad. Te ayuda a gestionar tu bandeja de entrada de manera más eficiente, como mostrar los perfiles de LinkedIn de tus contactos, establecer recordatorios y posponer correos electrónicos con solo unos clics. Las bandejas de entrada divididas son excelentes para mantener los correos electrónicos organizados por categoría, para que puedas centrarte fácilmente en lo que es importante. También me encanta la función de fragmentos, que hace que enviar correos electrónicos salientes sea mucho más fácil. Además, la interfaz es limpia y minimalista, lo que mantiene las cosas simples y libres de distracciones. Como asistente ejecutivo, Superhuman es muy útil.



HQ Location:
San Francisco, California, United States



What is Superhuman?

Superhuman is the most productive email app ever made. Fly through your inbox, be more responsive to what matters most, and collaborate faster than ever before. Superhuman helps teams save four hours per person, every single week.


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