Dock transforma la experiencia del comprador y cliente b2b al proporcionar un único destino para los clientes. En lugar de navegar por múltiples hilos de correo electrónico, archivos adjuntos ocultos y enlaces aleatorios, los clientes visitan un portal personalizado cuando necesitan algo.
Los portales son fáciles de configurar para los gerentes de clientes y alojan todos los recursos clave relacionados con la relación (enlaces, pdfs, incrustaciones, videos, planes de acción, etc.). A lo largo del camino, los gerentes de clientes obtienen análisis para avanzar en acuerdos y proyectos. Con Dock, los gerentes de clientes ahorran tiempo e impresionan a los clientes.
Lo que me encanta de RELAYTO es que es tan fácil de usar que apenas hay curva de aprendizaje. La interfaz de usuario es bastante intuitiva. Y gamifica todo el proceso de convertir tus aburridos PDFs/PPTs antiguos en experiencias interactivas.
Enzo Leonel F.
UX/UI Designer | Previously practiced graphic design for 5 years
Upon entering the website, I immediately found a video that presented the company, explaining the platform's goals and how it was working. I was stunned by the high quality and creativity of the motion design in the presentation, so I was sure I couldn't leave without trying all the features.
The UI of the platform is very intuitive, so creating my account and figuring out how to start a project was easy. I tried to recreate my UX design portfolio on Behance. Now I can say that I'm a bit sad that designers are not required to post their works on RELAYTO instead of Behance and Dribbble.
So, I saved my Figma slides in PDF format, merged them, and uploaded to RELAYTO. It was a pure joy to observe that the screens came out high-quality and the links were immediately working. Furthermore, I quickly noticed the pannel with interactive features and couldn't pass by.
I love interactive and engaging designs. In my opinion, it's very modern and progressive when a platform encourages you to add responsiveness and motion to your works. I mainly experimented with GIFs (that were easy to search in the platform's library while editing, similar to how we add them in Instagram stories), and widgets. I like widgets nice and big but all the sizes are easily customizable.
Maybe it's needless to say that I still haven't figured out how to show off my animations on Behance (without pursuing long and difficult tropes), though I'm using it for a year already. It's a good site as well, but it encourages a more static look.
In general, I felt like I could allow myself to be brave and creative with RELAYTO. Completely new to the platform, I finished my project in a couple of hours and was satisfied as if I completed a painting. My portfolio project has a bright and modern look, and I'd feel good showing it to my clients. I will also recommend them to try RELAYTO for building and presenting their own projects.
HQ Location:
San Francisco , California
What is Relayto?
Innovate your content and unleash your ideas. Take your first step towards digital transformation.
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