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Influencer Hero

24 reseñas

Descripción del Producto

Influencer Hero es un software de gestión de influencers todo en uno que consiste en una base de datos de influencers y un CRM de servicio completo que automatiza todo el proceso de gestión de campañas. Se puede dividir en tres pasos. 1). Descubrimiento de influencers a través de nuestra base de datos de 11.7M de influencers de Instagram y 12.3M de Youtube y filtros de búsqueda detallados + detección de seguidores falsos y bots 2). Comunicación automatizada a través de nuestro CRM 3). Informes y análisis que incluyen impresiones verificadas, clics y conversiones. A través de una integración con tu tienda puedes gestionar todo el proceso a través de nuestro CRM. Puedes configurar enlaces de afiliados, códigos de descuento y procesar pagos automáticamente. Si prefieres dar a tus influencers control total, pueden iniciar sesión en su panel de afiliados, ver su rendimiento y pagar su saldo de afiliado ellos mismos. Una vez que el influencer ha publicado, se guardará automáticamente en el CRM para ser revisado, descargado y reutilizado. Los productos pueden ser enviados automáticamente a través del CRM y si deseas conectar tu administrador comercial de Facebook, puedes impulsar el contenido de tus influencers a través de anuncios pagados. No solo tenemos esta plataforma extendida y fácil de usar, sino que también nos aseguramos de que esta plataforma sea accesible para todas las empresas sin importar su tamaño.

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Maureen W.
Maureen W.
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Fuente de la revisión: Orgánico

Gatsby for ONELIVE

As a service provider, we strive to find the best Shopify partners to include in our overall tech stack. Gatsby made it really easy for us to add influencer marketing to our offering, basically overnight. The setup is easy, we have it down to maybe 30 minutes per client, especially since it just integrates with the other tools we already manage for our clients, like Klaviyo, Refersion, and Shopify Plus. I also really like their automated email outreach feature - once we set a client up, everything goes on auto-pilot. Gatsby identifies the influential consumers, sends them our pre-written customized collab offer, and syncs the insights back with Klaviyo for targeted segments & email drips for when we need to engage the influencers for one-off campaigns. Also, their customer support is great! Really hands on helping us roll Gatsby out to our clients with unique 1-pagers, webinars, etc.
Katie O.
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Fuente de la revisión: Orgánico

63% of our customers are micro-influencers!

First and foremost, Gatsby helps drive sales - most of our captured influencers end up being recurring customers and many recruit their friends with genuine posts on their Instagram feeds (75% of the influencers we discovered on Gatsby posted on their Instagram within 1 week of asking them). We're seeing more clients share how our studio has positively impacted their lives -- gaining self-confidence, self-discovery and overcoming body issues. It's powerful hearing these stories, especially knowing that their friends and followers are also seeing them. Gatsby also humanizes our website visitors -- giving us direct contact to our most social customers. This helps inform our marketing and PR efforts -- we get to know our customer better and can speak to them on a more personal level. Gatsby has helped us understand the value of our product from the customer perspective while helping us grow our social media engagement and reach more authentically.
Jonathan R.
Jonathan R.
DevOps Engineer
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Fuente de la revisión: Invitación de G2
Revisión incentivada

The fastest Library for a quick website

What I like best about Gatsby.js is it's simplicity and ease of use.



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Berkeley, California




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