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198 Heartland Retail Reseñas
Sentimiento General de la Reseña para Heartland Retail
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Springboard functions well for companies managing multiple locations. The interface is fairly straightforward and easy to learn. I love the variety of reporting options there are easily available. Reseña recopilada por y alojada en
The integration with BigCommerce leaves a lot to be desired. There are a lot of fields that are not supported between the big commerce and springboard integration. This makes it difficult to keep the same inventory easily in our locations and webstore. I am working with a lot of third party applications to make simple tasks work for us. other than one person on tech support (Joe) it seems that nobody else is familiar with this integration. I've spent hours talking with one person about the same issue that was fixed in under 15 minutes by a Joe. Reseña recopilada por y alojada en
Clean, crisp cloud-based UI is user-friendly. Reporting takes a couple hours to understand, but once you get it, you're able to quickly produce almost any report you need. Works with Shopify and BigCommerce. Customer service is pretty good with 1 or 2 exceptions. Reseña recopilada por y alojada en
Does not play nice with BigCommerce as price information does not sync down. Shopify requires a $199/month app to run properly. Not friendly towards large catalogs with different size variants (eg apparel) as it does not really have a true parent-child set up. The search functionality is buggy in the truest sense of the word, and makes basic tasks almost impossible. We've also had extensive issues with Canadian taxes from our online store. Returning items purchased online is a sewn together mess of work arounds that is very error-prone, as we have to manually enter tax amounts. There's also no built in time clock for employees to sign in. Reseña recopilada por y alojada en
It's pretty intuitive, things are where you'd think they'd be, you can use names vs numbers to look for items, and it's it's easy to navigate. I like that you're not overwhelmed with seeing a lot of options at once. When you're selling, you're only seeing your options to sell. When you're searching inventory, you're only seeing those options. I love the daily dashboard, letting me know where I'm at each day, tracking my store's sales by the hour, comparisons to last year, comparisons to our goal, and all of the goal break-downs so I can see exactly what both I and my team need to beat. Reseña recopilada por y alojada en
It's best features are almost some of what it's lacking for me. I want a more prominent option to track and download client information. I know part of that is my employer's choices, but I think it's also a priority in positioning the button. It's priority is selling first rather than selling & clienteling. I'd love a page that displayed all stores daily sales figures at once... rather than having to click on each store to know where each store is at...more of an at a glance, where is the company at each day compared to last year. Is my store doing what others are doing, or is mine an anomaly. I love the data driven approach, more of that.
I'm still getting used to the format, but I'd love to be able to easily see multiple pages at once...
And I find a scanning delay to be a bit problematic, double scanning happening for one. And also searching to be delayed. We did not experience this kind of delay before with Runit. I'm not sure if it's now because we're using a different type of server? Reseña recopilada por y alojada en
I think the POS system is great. Very modern and simple. I've never worked with a POS system that allows you to add details and notes on customers, specific tickets, ad pay-ins/outs. You can also add quite a bit of customization to ticket fill-out requirements, which is very helpful for the people doing the reporting on the back-end. Reseña recopilada por y alojada en
I think the reporting can be much better and more flexible. You should be able to customize the reports much more. We currently have many issues with our sales order reporting. It is timely as there is no report that matches sales orders to their payment methods automatically so we manually have to do work around. The pre-paying of sales orders also interferes with simple reporting. Also, the reporting gets difficult when we experience sales tickets with different sources and locations. Additionally, Springboard can be quite laggy, especially when completing inventory counts. We have experienced problems of SB not updating as fast as we are counting. It would be nice to have the software work faster in this sense. Reseña recopilada por y alojada en

La interfaz es extremadamente amigable para el usuario y fácil de usar. Desde registrar una venta hasta informar sobre el inventario, el sistema es muy sencillo y requiere poca o ninguna capacitación para saber cómo usarlo. Reseña recopilada por y alojada en
Ocasionalmente hay limitaciones para los minoristas más grandes cuando se trata de opciones de personalización. Reseña recopilada por y alojada en

Informes y datos son fáciles de extraer de este sistema, así como la importación de artículos es sencilla. Basado en la nube es el camino a seguir hoy en día. Se puede iniciar sesión en cualquier lugar y completar tareas. Reseña recopilada por y alojada en
Desearía que se integrara mejor con Shopify y que no tuviéramos que usar un servicio de terceros, Accumula, para esto. También es un poco caro. Reseña recopilada por y alojada en

¡Informes! Estamos tomando decisiones más rápidas sobre el producto que nunca antes gracias a las sólidas funciones de informes. Me encanta que puedas pasar de un informe de ventas a la transacción exacta en unos pocos clics. Tenemos 7 tiendas, todas en Springboard, y descubrir qué se vende mejor o peor es muy sencillo. Solo en las últimas 2 semanas hemos eliminado tantos artículos de lento movimiento. Springboard ha mejorado nuestro rendimiento de manera incalculable. Reseña recopilada por y alojada en
El único problema que tengo es que no puedo subir un archivo para cambiar los números de artículo. Me encanta que puedas cambiar los números de artículo, pero no puedes hacerlo en masa. Reseña recopilada por y alojada en
We have been using Springboard Retail for over four years. The system is very intuitive and handles fashion very well. We have had virtually no issues with downtime and support in general has been great. Reporting capabilities and the dashboard are also excellent. Love the flexibility of the cloud since we can access the system from anywhere. Reseña recopilada por y alojada en
The integration with Shopify could be improved. We had some challenges with the Clover integration for payment processing but those seem to have been resolved. Alot of the issues were on the Clover side. No other issue with the system. Reseña recopilada por y alojada en
La capacidad de anuncio de Springboard es dinámica: funciona tan rápido como mi mente. Con Springboard puedo cortar la información de la manera que necesito en solo segundos. También he estado consistentemente impresionado por el equipo de soporte: cada vez que tengo una pregunta, el equipo está disponible para abordar mis consultas, y siempre con una actitud amigable y servicial, realmente es reconfortante saber que tengo un equipo de soporte que parece preocuparse por nuestro negocio tanto como yo. Si no tienen la respuesta que busco, se apresuran a dar una sugerencia para una solución alternativa y añaden nuestra necesidad a una lista de tareas que tienen en marcha. He visto prácticamente cada una de mis sugerencias transformarse en una función en Springboard. Springboard se centra esencialmente en completar una cosa increíblemente bien: el comercio minorista, proporcionando acceso rápido a información clave del cliente que permite al personal de ventas ofrecer un servicio al cliente excepcional y personalizado, y ofrece el sistema de informes más extenso que he encontrado en los diferentes productos que he utilizado o investigado. Reseña recopilada por y alojada en
Ninguno viene a la mente desde que utilizo este fantástico software, si es que hay alguno, el equipo de soporte es increíble. Reseña recopilada por y alojada en
Customer service is very good except for the chat function. When you say chat the customer service rep should be available not 30 min. If they want 30 min response time call it something else not chat Reseña recopilada por y alojada en
I wish they would allow closed transactions to be re-opened and adjusted. They give the reason that it is for audit reasons. This is really not a valid reason because all they would have to include is an audit trail
within the software. I have worked with other POS systems that had both of these functionality and it work fine. They also need to create a user group that will provide input on how they can improve their solution. Reseña recopilada por y alojada en