It's very user friendly. The carrier connections save us a lot of time on the back end. Ease makes it very easy to manage all of our groups in one place. The support staff is very knowledgeable and friendly. Employee feedback after enrollment is nice. The report options plus the ability to create custom reports is something we use on a daily basis. The ease emails that teach groups how to run reports should be very helpful, as well. Reseña recopilada por y alojada en
Form mapping can be frustrating sometimes. Hold times on the phone can be upwards of 45 minutes. There are several open tickets and questions in support that have been open for years. It seems that they are not being addressed. Test employees are annoying. I don't see the point. It is easier for us to add a fake employee and then delete them, but we have to make them a test employee if we have to call in. It just seems like unnecessary extra steps. I understand that 2 factor authentication is necessary, but I hate it. Finding my phone when I'm in the middle of something is a distraction. It would be nice if the new forms were added with renewal plans. Reseña recopilada por y alojada en
Their Customer Service support is phenomenal! The Ease system is very easy to use. I love that you can customize plans to fit almost any situation. Saves so much time! Saves such a large percentage of time & is a LIFE SAVER during Open Enrollment and 4th Quarter!! It is also Rules-Based, so it will not let Employees skip a section or required information. Reseña recopilada por y alojada en
I can't think of anything I dislike about Ease. If I find an improvement, I mention it & Ease considers making a change. Reseña recopilada por y alojada en
Eliminating room for error, cutting down on paper, and making enrollments stress-free are some of the best things about Ease! 24/7 access to benefits for brokers, employers, and employees with functional navigation helps users make the best benefits decisions. The site is clean and easy to use and provides fantastic integration with other programs that both brokers and employers commonly use! Onboarding, Open Enrollment, and Disenrollment are painless and straightforward. It is easy to send reminders and upload documents or notes if needed. I would recommend this service to all companies that offer employee benefits. Reseña recopilada por y alojada en
So far, no dislikes! This platform is intuitive and user-friendly. Using Ease is one of the best things our Agency has done. We highly recommend Ease and have loved our experience using it. Reseña recopilada por y alojada en
Simple, intuitivo, directo, gráficos atractivos. Me gusta cómo está todo dispuesto, cómo es fácil de navegar y añadir/eliminar nuevos empleados. Reseña recopilada por y alojada en
Nada, la plataforma es muy fácil de usar. Realmente no tengo ninguna queja al respecto. Reseña recopilada por y alojada en
Me gusta que sea tan fácil incorporar nuevos empleados en EASE. ¡Esto nos ahorra mucho tiempo! Los nuevos empleados que hemos incorporado durante los últimos meses han comentado lo fácil que fue el proceso.
Durante la inscripción abierta, EASE puede hacer un seguimiento de dónde se encuentra cada empleado en el proceso de inscripción, lo que nos ahorra tener que buscar a los empleados que aún no han terminado. Esto es más fácil para los empleados, ya que la información de años anteriores se transfiere, y solo tienen que cambiar lo que haya cambiado en su vida. ¡Qué salvavidas en comparación con los formularios en papel!
También utilizo EASE para conciliar los beneficios de todos los empleados. Esta es una buena manera de mantenerse al tanto de los libros para asegurar que todo esté equilibrado todo el tiempo. Reseña recopilada por y alojada en
No siento que EASE nos ayude tanto como debería en el momento en que los empleados cambian sus elecciones. Somos más grandes que un equipo de una sola persona y, aunque recibimos un correo electrónico automatizado de que hubo un elemento de acción, se necesita algo de investigación para averiguar qué sucedió y cómo afecta la próxima nómina. Sería realmente bueno si hubiera un correo electrónico diciendo que este empleado o aquel empleado cambió sus elecciones de beneficios. Luego, si EASE pudiera producir un resumen de cuáles eran los beneficios antes de que se cambiaran y después, eso sería realmente útil para nosotros. Reseña recopilada por y alojada en
Ease is pretty simple and straightforward for the person who is enrolling in benefits as an employee. Reseña recopilada por y alojada en
As an employer/admin, it could use some tweaking and modifications to make it just as user-friendly as the end-user side that employees see. All in all, still not too bad and because the employees find it so easy, that makes it worth it to us. Reseña recopilada por y alojada en
We've implemented Ease with most of our clients in one capacity or another. We've had several clients enjoy the ease of being able to populate mulitple carrier applications at once along with the tracking of enrollment. Reseña recopilada por y alojada en
We've occasionally had a hiccup in new employees at open enrollment, that would require a call to support. It would be nice if they had a chat box that you could do a live chat with support. The hold times have been a little longer than expected. Reseña recopilada por y alojada en
EASE is extremely easy to use hence the name EASE. I like there are automated emails that go to the employees allowing them to enroll in benefits. Reseña recopilada por y alojada en
Nothing is missing from what I can tell so far. No issues yet. Reseña recopilada por y alojada en
I like how user-friendly Ease's interface is. My favorite features would be the ability to curate reports and bulk upload with the census template. Reseña recopilada por y alojada en
I wish there was an ability to bulk edit without using excel. I think it would also be helpful to have more template and integration options. Reseña recopilada por y alojada en